Barber Electronics says happy holidays with a circuit!

Started by David Barber, December 18, 2008, 08:34:06 PM

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David Barber

Hey all, I have enjoyed stopping by this forum and hanging out for a "read and write" here and there. I know this year, times are tough, and many guitar players will not be able to get new guitar goodies. In the spirit of giving I thought I could share a schematic of a Barber pedal that many players have liked and some have been interested in the circuit. This way if money is tight you can still build a fun circuit and save some dough...and of course have fun inhaling good ol RoHS endorsed fumes!   :icon_smile:

Try a JRC 072BD for the op-amp...or whatever you like. I'll stop by and try to be of help with this circuit if anyone has questions.

Here is a link to the Barber DIY page, I have a schematic of the Barber Silver LTD and some mods are on the schematic to make it a little more fun.

Please don't post the schematic image to websites, if you would like to share the schematic, just link to the Barber Electronics DIY page it its entirety. I would appreciate it if this was not redrawn...thanks all!

Thanks again Aron, for the fun place to read and share, about DIY guitar effects!


Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


Unreal. Thank you Dave and GOOD LUCK on your future projects! Hope you have a great holidays!!!!!!!!


Pure class Dave!  Pure class.   

There is a Santa Claus. 
The people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living.

Ben N

Thanks, Dave!

I confess to having been somewhat skeptical about the whole light-overdrive-as-a-pedal concept (as opposed to turning down the gain on any flat-eq-type od, like a BD-2), but I have high regard for Dave & his stuff, so its definitely worth a breadboarding. I do love my Direct Drive, and wouldn't mind getting my mitts on a Burn Unit some time.




Many thanks for sharing the schematic - proper spirit of Christmas and all that.

One question though - is Mr.Barber the portly gentleman in red with the big beard?

Have a great Christmas all...

Happiness is a warm etchant bath.

Auke Haarsma


Wow, this is a great thing to do, David. Thanks!

I own a Silver LTD and it is an outstanding pedal.....I highly recommend people build this. I own a couple of Barber pedals and I sing their praises to every guitarist I meet because they are so good.

David and all forum members - have a great Christmas and New Year.



Thank you very much, and Merry Christmas to you Dave!
The various trimpots surely make this design a very tunable pedal.
Certainly a nice gift for these holidays.


Thanks, and happy holidays for you too!
I just wish other builders did the same. I'd much rather donate a schematic to the DIY community than let people reverse one while saying "this guy is a dick, he uses goopo-mojo-sticky-black-goo", or "i wouldn't pay 200 bucks for this", or even "oh, i'm so @#$%ing jealous of his business i'm going to insult this bastard!"
Kudos, Mr Barber ;)


Thanks for sharing!  RIAA-style tone shaping on the second op-amp, presence control... Very cool, and great timing with this schematic as these two ideas have come up as topics here recently.

I've never considered buying a Barber product before, but after seeing the inner workings of this one, I think I just might.


Thanks Dave! Have a Merry Christmas! And don't be a stranger... :icon_wink:
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."

Mark Hammer

In a time of belt-tightening, it is gratifying to see someone who hasn't forgotten the spirit of generosity.  Good on you, my friend.  Enjoy the holiday!


I really need to learn how to read op-amp schematics. :(


The Barber DDSS is permanently attached in my pedalboard. Barber pedals are the ones I like the most, they sound great, build quality is simply astounding and one of the cleanest out there, and best of all...........pricing is great, specially now with the USD-EURO ratio we have.

How different is the LTD silver from the Special Recipe? because actually I was considering buying one.........

Thanks David !!!


Railhead, just get the data sheet for the pinouts of that IC and you'll find that all mysteries will be revealed.
You'll also find some fairly standard pinout arrangements and likely begin to learn them by heart when you start
looking at a lot of schematics like the one above.


  Happy Holidays Dave Barber, and to all !!
  Nice present ! [for those inquiring about clipping w/midrange, presence etc. there ya' go !
  Who is playin those clips ? Also great instructionals if you can figure out some of the advanced techniques played on some of those clips !
  Railhead: This could be built with 1 dual opamp or 2 single opamps, the pinouts Are Different, and I'd use 1 dual opamp...why not..saves real estate !
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