Clean/Dirty Boost - Orange Boost

Started by tux320, December 18, 2008, 10:13:00 PM

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Here goes nothing ;)
This is the first pedal I've ever 'designed' or at least, I hope I designed it. If I have ripped someone of then I am really sorry and I will take the schematic down if you wish it to be removed.
The Orange Boost is a very basic booster pedal with an input cap selector and a switch to add symmetrical clipping with LED's on the output. Because it has been cobbled together with the most basic electronics knowledge I don't know wether the design will actually sound any good but I can assure you that it will (fingers crossed) make some kind of noise. If anyone could do me the favour of breadboarding this I would greatly appreciate it. Now enough rambling.


  no breadboard here...
  330k, should be enough to drop signal input fairly signifigantly, perhaps stick to the design or experiment with values there.
  The rest of it looks pretty straight foreward...put a cap between the collector and the diodes so you can have the DC bias be independant of the clipping section.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I've moved the decoupling capacitor and changed R2 from 330k to 270k. Maybe I should put a trimmer in there instead :icon_question: