What do they mean by "speaker rolloff" in this circuit?

Started by Ripthorn, December 20, 2008, 04:07:52 PM

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Hey guys, I am going to be building this sovtek mig50 amp emulator, but I am planning to put a tonemender in as the tonestack, seeing as how this one doesn't have it.  The note on the schematic says to put the tonestack before the speaker rolloff section.  So would I take the output from the drain of Q4 to the input of the tonemender, then the output of the tonemender back to the 22nF cap near the end?  If I put in the tonemender, can I just leave out the master volume control shown on this schematic (two volume knobs seems redundant it seems :icon_smile:).  Could I just leave off all the stuff after Q4, or would that be not a smart thing to do?  Thanks for any advice or comments. (Hope I didn't violate anything by posting this here, I found it...somewhere, another forum, in German, I think)

Exact science is not an exact science - Nikola Tesla in The Prestige


I think they mean the two low-pass filters (15k+2n2, 15k+2n2) after the 22n cap. They rolls off some of the highs.