Help with debugging Whisker Biscuit, Anyone?

Started by dumbmonkey, December 21, 2008, 04:20:03 PM

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Hi there,
I put a post up about building a Whisker Biscuit for my brother as a Christmas gift so he could use it for bass.  Well, I'm having some issues and was hoping that some of you might help me shed some light on the subject.  As a relative newbie to this, I have some understanding but for the most part, I'm a trained monkey when it comes to putting circuits together, so please be gentle. 
Ive built the circuit but when I test it it works but sounds gated.  When I first switch it on, it sounds fine but then the effect gradually dissipates and become gated. 
Anyway, here's the link to the schematic I used:
I used the optional 47pf smoothing caps in the build.  Someone had mentioned that for bass, I might want to increase the size of the coupling caps, so I replaced all the 100n caps with 1uf electrolytics.  I used Steve C's  Swollen Pickle schematic for the orientation of those.  Speaking of the Swollen Pickle, I thought it might be interesting to try using those cap values in the tone section of the WB (talk about a little knowledge being dangerous...). I replaced the 33n with a .047uf and the .0047 with a .0033.
In any case that's pretty much the deal with the build.  I measured some transistor voltages just in case.  5089 for Q1 and Q3, MPSA13 for Q2.
E: .04
B: .65
C: 4.31

E: 0
B: 1.26
C: .62

E: .08
B: .70
C: 1.45

Thanks in advance for any insight, and I'm sorry for being such a dope...


Quote from: dumbmonkey on December 21, 2008, 04:20:03 PM
E: .04
B: .65
C: 4.31

E: 0
B: 1.26
C: .62        <----- Should be more than B,  Bad solder joint?

E: .08
B: .70
C: 1.45