Tonepad Tubescreemer layout question

Started by grindell, December 31, 2008, 11:20:41 PM

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I'm building the tubescreamer using a Tonepad board I bought, and I've got to wire up the 2 .22uf tantalum caps.  There's no indication on the diagram which way the positive and negative goes.  Does the positive go to ground or the negative?  This is a dumb question I'm sure, but any help would be greatly appreciated.


Tantalum capacitors do have a polarity.  Typically, the painted line on a tantalum cap indicates the positive side. (This is different than an electrolytic, where the negative is typically marked).

You want the negative side of the cap to be at a lower voltage than the positive (line) side. In the TS circuit, the negative side of the cap goes to ground.



Thanks!  Oh, and Happy New Year!