Question about opamps!

Started by DWBH, January 08, 2009, 01:57:20 PM

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Imagine a TL074, a quad op-amp.
If I want to use only two of those op-amps, does it matter which op-amps I choose to use? Does it matter if I use only op-amp 1 and op-amp 4?
Or, am I obliged to use op-amps 1 and 2, or 3 and 4?

Joe Hart

I believe you can use any.
-Joe Hart

Sir H C

You can use any but you still have to tie off those that you are not using to some safe setup or you could have problems.


Yes, tie all unused inputs to ground.
Thanks ;)

As I posted earlier, the right way to tie off unused op amps is to
connect IN- to OUT, and tie IN+ to a resistor pair - one to V+, one to
V+ - so that IN+ is about halfway
. You need only one resistor pair
for all the unused opamps, and they can be really big resistors.

Doing this guarantees that all the inputs are in spec. If you just
tie the two inputs together, any input offset in the op amp will be
amplified to the output, which may put the output out of spec.

No. You convert it as a buffer and present it with a reference voltage somewhere in between the rails ( V ref )