Control Voltage Question

Started by ZiggyZipgun, January 23, 2009, 01:18:37 PM

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I'm working on a little something at the moment, and the schematic has thrown me off a little, as it shows the VCC separate from the VCTL.  Is there more to this part of the circuit than it's showing?

I haven't done a mock-up yet as I've just received a sample supply of the ICs, and if it works, I'll definitely be sharing the results here on the forum, but for the time being I've left out the rest of the schematic until I find out what legal hoops I'll have to jump through in order to use these and display the company's logo my pedals that use it.

I'm posting this in both the digital and non-digital forums as it applies to both, technically.  Sorry.


VCC is the +ve voltage input right? It looks to me as if R14 and R15 form a voltage divider of exactly half the VCC, which in this case becomes the (static) VCTL. So connect all point marked VCTL together. Difficult to say anymore without more information.

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


The 4-position switch configures the diodes, which step the VCTL down to the proper logic values, which are:


Like Rick said you connect all the VCTL points together and when the switch is in position 3 assuming the CTRL pins have a very high impedance virtually no current flows through R1 and R2 and you get the VCTL voltage on the CTRL pins.
When the switch is in the bypass position D4 and D2 pull the voltage on both control pins down to about 0.6volts which is presumably low enough to count as 0.
When it's in position 1 or 2 the switch pulls one of the CTRL pins low and the other is pulled up to VCTL by its resistor.
This looks a bit dodgy to me though because which ever resistor is pulled to ground is then basically in parallel with R15, so the VCTL voltage will be pulled down a bit and won't be half of VCC any more.
Obviously this might not matter but without knowing anything about the chip it's impossible to say.


VCC can range from +5V to +12V.  VIH can be between 2V to 5V, and VIL can be anywhere from 0V to 0.8V - so 0.6V would be fine.  I'm still waiting on an order of stuff from Small Bear that I placed this morning, so it'll be a few days before she's up and running.  I have 26 of the ICs, so hopefully I won't cook or mishandle too many of 'em.

[EDIT: VCC will naturally be 9VDC since we are talking about a stompbox here.]


Should all work fine then, VIH will only drop by about half a volt in positions 1 and 2.
Look forward to seeing what it is :)