is closing

Started by Pedal love, March 26, 2009, 04:12:20 PM

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Pedal love

Well after five years in business, is closing its doors for good. Look for savings on almost everything. Its been a great run and thanks go to all of you for making it possible. I want to give special thanks to Aron, for allowing me promotion and visability here. Its really a great place and I will continue hanging out with y'all. I'm not sure what I will do with the domain, but I am paid up for a year, so I have that long to think about it. Anyway, thanks for all of your support, its really meant a lot to me as well as your purchases and all of your advice. It has helped me improve and I really value that. It has really been exciting for me and I hope you have enjoyed as well. Keep watching for price reductions in April. Thank You All, Terence.

Pedal love

Ok people are asking me about the domain name,, to purchase, so I looked it up. It turns out I don't really own it. Tucows owns my domain name as a third party entity-over infinity internet (my provider) and myself. I should have looked into it more completely. I just felt I owned it as I had outright purchased some domain names, years ago and was confused by this one, as they were all pretty close to eachother. The million dollar question of why I am that confused?

1) I'm broke
2) My common law wife is moving out, probably forever.
3) Have to put down my sick, 14 year old Bengal cat on Monday.
4) Parting with a site who's work was my passion for five years.

In a nutshell, I'm lucky if I can recite the english alphabet these days. If you want the highly trafficked domain name, you will have to talk to Tucows, but I don't think they are selling, as they obviously made their money, by buying domain names and licensing them out to various webhosting companies (Infinity in this case) to be leased out to unsuspecting worms like me. Thank you, if you're patient. I apologize for the mix up. :icon_redface:


I highly doubt that Tucows owns your domain. Do you pay your bill to Infinity?

It looks to me as if Infinity has registered the domain on your behalf, using Tucows as the registrar.

Is this you?

If so, the domain is yours, and you should sell it.  You can sell it privately, you can list it on ebay, or you can list it here.

If you think there is even a remote chance that you would use the domain again, you should keep it for the $9/yr it costs to register it. You could put up a park page with ads and it will probably pay for itself. Or, you could rent it to someone for the cost of the annual registration, preserving your right to use it again in the future.

Seriously, don't just let this domain expire. It's a good one, and I hate seeing good domains go to waste. If you let it go now, you will never, ever get it back. Never.

If you're broke and since there has already been interest, I would go the rent route. Transfer the domain to an outside registrar (I can tell you how to do this if you need a hand), and put up a "this domain for rent for $50/yr" page. You would hang on to the domain and make $41 over the cost of registration.

I hope that helps. Best of luck. :)

If you're not doing it for yourself, it's not DIY. ;)

My effects site: Just one more build... | My website: America's Debate.


Quote from: .Mike on March 27, 2009, 08:59:24 AM
I highly doubt that Tucows owns your domain. Do you pay your bill to Infinity?

It looks to me as if Infinity has registered the domain on your behalf, using Tucows as the registrar.

Is this you?

If so, the domain is yours, and you should sell it.  You can sell it privately, you can list it on ebay, or you can list it here.

If you think there is even a remote chance that you would use the domain again, you should keep it for the $9/yr it costs to register it. You could put up a park page with ads and it will probably pay for itself. Or, you could rent it to someone for the cost of the annual registration, preserving your right to use it again in the future.

Seriously, don't just let this domain expire. It's a good one, and I hate seeing good domains go to waste. If you let it go now, you will never, ever get it back. Never.

If you're broke and since there has already been interest, I would go the rent route. Transfer the domain to an outside registrar (I can tell you how to do this if you need a hand), and put up a "this domain for rent for $50/yr" page. You would hang on to the domain and make $41 over the cost of registration.

I hope that helps. Best of luck. :)


  :o Mike, how is that done, how do you find out who registered a domain?


I went here:

Then, I saw that Tucows was the registrar, so I went over to their WhoIs site:

Put in the domain, and the info pops right up. It's all public record.


If you're not doing it for yourself, it's not DIY. ;)

My effects site: Just one more build... | My website: America's Debate.

Auke Haarsma

sorry to hear about your rough times.

It's a cliche but it's true (that' s probably why it is a cliche): things will get better.

Hang in there.

Godspeed! Good luck and Blessings!

Pedal love

Thank you, Auke. I appreciate your kind words. I guess I do own it as long as I am paying for it. It is set not to renew, on march of next year. Thats the last of my ownership. I'm just going to let it expire, then its first come first serve. Sorry.


I'm sorry to hear of your troubled times, Its taken me about 2 years to get my head back together but trust me things do improve with time, (hopefully quicker for you)

Sanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same result. Mick Taylor

Please at least have 1 forum post before sending me a PM demanding something.

Pedal love

Thanks Mick, I'm trying to not let things affect me so much, but they have been lately. They have a saying out here, cowboy up and thats what I'm trying to do now.


You never know what will happen before March of next year. Keep and it and evaluate it then. You may be in a better position. Good Luck!