Gnarly old Elektor dist: schem inside

Started by cathexis, April 02, 2009, 07:20:32 AM

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Here's a schematic I copied from an old Elektor book.

For a larger version, go to:

I built this mainly to try out my new breadboard, since it has a built in bipolar 15VDC power supply:

Turns out to be a pretty cool and versatile effect. I am by no means a dist connoisseur, but there's a nice range from OD to distortion with a fair bit of octaving when the 10K pot is set right. Some metallic tones not that far from the zvex Machine, IIRC. Really sensitive to picking strength, cleans up good with the volume knob of my strat. Check out the sound clip! I tried a regular VU meter for the 500uA specified, and it wiggles - to what effect other than using up all opamps, I do not know.
Anyway, I decided to post this, since I've never really seen anything like it. Have you?
I actually might make a vero layout, come summer.