Just picked up some MOJO

Started by hubble, April 07, 2009, 10:32:07 PM

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2% silver solder for $2 at my local electronics store.  first visit today they have a lot of stuff, got a submini spdt toggle for $2 and they have MXR sized BUD enclosures for around $7, thats not bad considering shipping from other places.
they have multiple boxes of other mojo stuff like CC resistors for $0.01 each! and caps and random components all around.  the resistors all looked the same though, i also noticed a box of can package trannys looked like germanium, i cant remember the names but they didnt look familiar.  i gotta make me a list of things to take home next time i visit there

edit: i mean this semi jokingly btw  :icon_rolleyes:, but i figured id try the 2% and see if anything magical happens, lol!


I've been using 2% for years, I like it just because my joins look shinier than 60/40.


Plus, Randall Aiken says silver solder protects your gear from werewolves!
B. Aaron Ennis
If somebody makes a mistake, help them understand what went wrong.  Show them how to do it right.  Be helpful.  Don't just say "you're wrong, moron."


lol!  i was surprised it was so cheap, i must have been looking at prices for bigger rolls, i just got the  .7oz size.


silver solder protects your gear from werewolves!
  Duly noted !
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


But what gives you more mojo, silver-bearing solder or a case of werewolf fuzz?


Does it matter if you've got all carbon comps in there?  Get yourself some hifi caps and mojo will be oozing out your ears.
Exact science is not an exact science - Nikola Tesla in The Prestige


Although there's really no justifiable reason to spend extra dough on silver bearing solder, at $2.00, why not?  I usually just grab .015 rolls of eutectic at Rat Shack, but it appears as though they've eliminated the sku for the 63/37 stuff and only have silver-bearing now...at about $2 per small roll more.  Bastages.

I don't know why you'd want to use noisy, unreliable CC resistors in pedal builds, though.  The only "mojo" you'll get from them in a pedal is extra noise and inconsistent values. 


Quote from: Ripthorn on April 08, 2009, 08:01:00 PM
Does it matter if you've got all carbon comps in there?

Yes, and not in a good way when you're only running 9v.

B. Aaron Ennis
If somebody makes a mistake, help them understand what went wrong.  Show them how to do it right.  Be helpful.  Don't just say "you're wrong, moron."


I think you have it backwards, the article you linked states that the higher the voltage, the more drift and resistance distortion. At the lower voltages, the difference according to article isbarely audible:

But with a 10V signal, you only get 0.35% distortion, and it starts down the slippery slope to inaudibility.

EDIT: nevermind, i see now, you are mentioning the noise. ignore me, i'm a dolt :)