Neovibe - the output mixing resistors

Started by yeeshkul, April 08, 2009, 11:13:19 AM

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I used my audio-probe to check out the sound on the 100k resistors that mix the dry and wet signal at the Neo output.
As i expected both the signals (clean AND phased) that enter the resistors sound clean and crispy. The mixed vibe signal that comes out of the resistors is much more muffled. Is this a natural behaviour? Can we help it by using - lets say - smaller resistor values?



In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.

John Lyons

IN slightly more words....
The straight signal and the phased signal are mixed together which causes
a phase shift, which causes cancellation in certain frequencies.
This cancellation cuts apparent volume based on the frequencies of the
phase shift capacitors.
It's normal behavior.


Basic Audio Pedals



When I read the term "muffled" I think of diminished high frequencies, similar to rolling down the tone control on a guitar to cut highs. Is that what you are describing? If so, mine doesn't do that. Tone wise, the vibrato side & chorus sides on mine are very close. Both of those are not that far removed from the bypassed signal either.

As far as phase cancellation in general, I tend to find that the sound gets thinner, with less low frequencies. Muffled just doesn't seem right to me, but I have no suggestions other than posting clips of each sound to let others hear what you are describing.

Sorry I couln't help,


Steve that is EXACTLY what i mean, thank you for describing the word perfectly. The difference between bypassed signal and vibe signal (where vibrato mode is doing quite a lot better - it doesn't go through the cancellation) grows  as i am turning the "Depth (or Intensity)" pot down. While the "Depth" is turned down completely and the sound is "straight", the sound is very audibly muffled. That's why i was asking about the resistor values and that's why i was fiddling with my audio-probe. I can record a sample tomorrow.

Edit: Steve would you please do me a favour and compare the vibe and bypassed sound on your unit while the Depth pot is all the way down? Thank you  ;)


Ah! With the intensity all the way down? Mine sounds more bass heavy than the bypassed signal. I have a Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe & it also is very bassy with the intensity turned all the way down. On both vibes there are still highs in the mix, but the bass really comes out.

BTW, why would you want to run it with the intensity all the way down? ??? Mine is usually 3/4, sometimes a bit more or sometimes a bit less. For faster speeds the lowest I'll go is halfway on the intensity.



Hehe, i was thinking about using it sometimes as a light booster for lead - mine is quite a bit louder than when bypassed(especially vibrato mode) and when i switch to vibrato and turn the Depth down, there is no effect audible. But i am loosing trebles big time that way.