Replacement for TL072P

Started by _Boomsheeka_, April 10, 2009, 10:34:14 AM

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Im building the BassThru/Paralooper/B.Blender circuits ( I want to try them all ) - and Im looking for a more commonly available replacement for the TL072P - Any place to read up on the difference between OP-Amps ?

Thanks for the help


Where do you live? The TL072 is as common as it gets!
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I agree, but the TL072P is not that common

Are you saying that the TL072 is the same thing ?


Yes, TL072 is the actual op-amp chip and manufacturers may add suffixes to denote the type of package and/or operating temperature. In this case the 'P' means it's in a plastic DIP package, but other manufacturers may use 'N' to mean the same thing. It's worth Googling for datasheets if a part number seems really close.
Bringing you yesterday's technology tomorrow.


That makes 100% sense, thanks for the help