Multiple position roary switch

Started by CodeMonk, April 10, 2009, 11:28:24 PM

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I know I can easily get a 6 position 2 pole rotary switch (hell even Ratshack has them).
I'm looking for 11 or 12 position 2 pole switches.
The idea here it to make capacitor/resistor/whatever banks.
Below is a rough drawing of the idea:

The idea is for when breadboarding/prototyping. Basically build a circuit (new or old) and starting with known working values, then easily being able to switch those values for testing to see what works best.
The drawing shows only one bank. The idea is to have say, ten banks all with the same values so you can use them in multiple positions.

Or maybe someone has a better idea?



Well if it's for prototyping you could make two to cover all the values you need.
Mount two rotaries in a box with a toggle switch.
I'm picturing a cool bench device in a sloped enclosure.

I think Weber sells something like this already for caps and resistors.

For amp building I simply made a board with nails and caps soldered between the nails.
Alligator clips connect from the nails to the DUT.

It's time to buy a gun. That's what I've been thinking.
Maybe I can afford one, if I do a little less drinking. - Fred Eaglesmith


If you want to DIY, though, couldn't you just use a single pole switch and tie one leg of all the components together, and only switch the other legs in or out?


Quote from: Taylor on April 10, 2009, 11:37:19 PM

If you want to DIY, though, couldn't you just use a single pole switch and tie one leg of all the components together, and only switch the other legs in or out?

Damn, should have though of that. A few months ago I built a fuzz box that uses the same method.
Although it does use the 2 pole switch so I can switch input and output caps.
Have to check my mouser catalog again, unless you already know of someplace that has those :)

The amptechtools is basically what I had in mind although as I said, I want like maybe 10 banks so I can fiddle around with the values at multiple points easily ans see how changes interact. That would be a bit costly with those. Although they look cool.




Thanks a ton.
I could have searched myself, but I'm on dialup here and well, I'm not getting any younger here :)
It may cost me around $100 to get all the switches I want but that is FAR less expensive than amptechtools would cost me :)


Actually, I just found a rotary switch in my stash with 12 positions, and it's way cheaper than the ones in that link. Not sure why it didn't come up in my search here. I found it on Mouser:


Amptechtools boxes are easily "clonable" with a total expense of about 5$...
here in my part of the globe (europe) rotary switches come really cheap, about 1€ each. and there are 1x12 switches or even 3x1x12:

not sure if this can find any application... anyway... one of my dream was to make a units-decades-hundreds-... box for resistors or maybe even capacitors, one of thos things frome the past... ;)

just one note: every lorlin rotary sw can turn into a 1x10 or 1x12, with few mods (open it, remove the contacts you don't need leaving just one contact in case of 1x :P then remove or reposition the "turn limiter", well, just a washer with a piece of metal that stops the shaft at a certain rotation. then connect all the pole contacts together and that's it!)
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