Mods to decrease the Gain boost after TBP mod (Crybaby)

Started by richon, April 17, 2009, 06:22:30 PM

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is there a way or Mods to decrease the Gain boost after TBP mod (Crybaby)...

it seems that know after:

remove of the input buffer
red fasel
51K instead of 33K (paralel to inductor)
2.4K instead of 1.5K mids mod.. make like a boost in the overall volume output of the wah...

is there a way to have it UNITY GAIN??
Richon - Ricardo
Viña del Mar

Paul Marossy


exactly.... the allmighty Crybaby....

now it's modded...sounds super (i forget to say that i have two BC109 inside)....

wish I could control the output volume.
Richon - Ricardo
Viña del Mar

Paul Marossy

Two things you could try:

1. Mess with the resistor values on the transistors to lower the gain some.
2. Add a voltage divider on the output to decrease the volume level. (I just did this on a Colorsound Wah from 1977 and it worked out pretty well, using a 100K trimpot as a volume control)