EA Modified Tremolo Question

Started by LiquidMetal, May 25, 2009, 09:40:12 PM

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I am planning to build the modified EA tremolo (http://www.runoffgroove.com/eatremolo.html) as my second project. I was wondering if any of you used the schematic and what is the general consensus regarding its correctness.

Also, if you have a better suggestion/schematic regarding building a tremolo, please let me know.

Your help will be greatly appreciated.



i´ve built it. is really nice, warm , not too abrupt tremolo..
i ended up replacing the mosfet for a j201..i couldn´t bias the mosfet right, and j201´s sounded better to me..

Tubes are overrated!!



I've built one using that schematic as well and can say i've been really pleased with it,  no issues for me. One suggestion for the rate pot though, either wire in a 100ka (log) pot backwards (swapping the outside leads) or use a 100k reverse log pot. Wired as shown the useful range of speed will be jammed into a very small turn of the pot, wired backwards the rate will slow down as you turn the pot clockwise but the most used range (fast) will be on a flat part of the log curve so it's much easier to dial in the desired speed. The reverse log pot will speed up as you turn CW but the faster speeds will be again on the flatter part of the log curve.

Take care
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown