footswitchable volume pot.

Started by trixdropd, June 03, 2009, 09:00:19 PM

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I wan't to put a volume pot in a box with a dpdt and basically have the volume pot be set for minimum volume, then when footswitched out of the chain, the rig will be full volume. The kicker is that this box will also be a true bypass looper. I am using plastic jacks than can be "normalled". I'm thinking of having the volume pot wired as the loop when no cables are plugged into the send and return. When you add a pedal to the loop the volume knob would be removed from the chain. is this the best route or what would you do differently?

being in an amps fx loop would you use a 500k volume pot?


I think you could accomplish this with switching jacks... Something like this?:

You might get away with just one switching jack, but I'm not sure how to do that without some kind of load on the signal... using 2 shorting jacks completely removes the volume pot
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


Note: I totally made a drawing error- the switch connections to the output and return jacks are swapped.  Sorry.

Output goes to the pole (obviously).
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


Thanks Mike. I have some marshall style plastic jacks that have lugs on each side, when a cable is inserted one side is not connected.
I was just curious if there was a better way, but i'm doubting it.

thanks for the help Mike!!  :) :)