Please Help me on Rebote 2.5

Started by urbanspaceman, June 06, 2009, 11:08:45 AM

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Hello fellows!
i'm francesco from italy and this is my first post.

I have some trouble with Rebote 2.5 delay.
I etched the pcb, mounted all components with minor changes on the value.
I do a bit of confusion in identifying capacitors and maybe my problem is this.
out of circuit only hear the sound clean and not delay ...

i post the IC values

battery 9.5 volts


1--  4,9
2--  2,44
3--  0
4--  0
5--  4,9
6--  2,45
7--  0
8--  0
9--  2,45
10--  2,45
11--  2,45
12--  2,45
13--  2,45
14--  2,45
15--  2,45
16--  2,45
17--  2,45
18--  2,45

IC2 tl072

1-- 4,63
2-- 4,63
3-- 4,60
4-- 0
5-- 3,71
6-- 4,62
7-- 4,62
8-- 9,28

this is a shot from my finished pcb

see the value of capacitors...

can i have a little help from you?
sorry for bad english!


Ciao Armando here also from Italy!

at a first glance I can see most of the yellow and white caps are wrong/swapped, though I don't know how much they can prevent the effect from working.

taking into account that your caps are the same as the one I have on a working Rebote and according to this "table"

10n = 0.01

you should change
3 white top = you have 10n should be 100n
3 yellow bottom= you have 100n should be 10n
1 yellow beside PT=you have 100n should be 1n
1 white bottom = you have 10n should be 100n
1 yellow close to TL = you have 100n should be 10n

ok check again yourself what above just to be sure as my eyes got crossed now  :D!!!

The table is right I took it from here :

keep it on hand, it's very usefull.

Cheers m8
"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen


Ciao Armando, ti ringrazio :-)
Faccio le modifiche, se hai voglia e se non lo conosci visita il mio sito dedicato al diy!

Hello Armando, thank you :-)
I try to make the changes, if you want and if you don't know visit my site dedicated to diy!


Ciao Armando, ti ringrazio :-)
Faccio le modifiche, se hai voglia e se non lo conosci visita il mio sito dedicato al diy!

Hello Armando, thank you :-)
I try to make the changes, if you want and if you don't know visit my site dedicated to diy!


i don't have a 1n capacitor... i have many ceramic (orange disc) capacitor... is the same?
What value should I put?


in most case,I think, the value is most importart, so either film or ceramic should be fine, so in this case you need a 1000pF cap

"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen


Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!