New project - "Burst Box" - including perf and PCB layouts, Kits also available!

Started by frequencycentral, June 11, 2009, 02:58:46 AM

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Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!

sean k

Monkey see, monkey do.

biggy boy


"Sometimes it takes a thousand notes to make one sound"



"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


Quote from: biggy boy on June 11, 2009, 07:42:14 AM
I must be new here ???
I don't get it  :P

I'd post you a link, but:

1. You don't want/need to know.
2. Posting a link would mean that I would have to view the Burst Box thread again, something I have vowed not to do.
3. I would feel bad about the mental anguish I would cause you by hooking you up to the Burst Box thread.

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!

sean k

I think it highlights what doesn't happen as often as it could which is that people who genuinely want something meet up with people who genuinely want to help them. The trouble is that occasionally the want of something can far exceed the ability to fit it constructively with known skills and accomplishments. Its called desire and when its not balanced with knowledge and a skill base then its a  distraction that can lead to a waste of time and energy for all concerned.

I was brought up kinda poor and with the realisation that if I wanted what I saw in the world I could either be rich or able to make things for myself. My first weeks wages at my first job, 30 years ago, I went into town and bought a handsaw. I've only recently stopped buying tools because I just about have everything I'll ever need.

I just went out and built a screen suspended between two concrete walls, 14 mtr span x 2mtrs high, and used steel cables and lightweight nylon or polyprop mesh and I really wasn't sure if the thing would do what it was supposed to do... it did but I haven't done anything quite like this before and I kinda fretted over being able to pull it off.

The thing is that to others who saw what I acheived it looked as if I knew what I was doing and therefore acheivable by others but this job especially highlighted for me the gulf between people able to pull things off and those who order  it done and pay for it.

Most people have no idea of the long years of trying things and building up an understanding of the physical universe and how to make it work for you with available stuff and are too used to the concept of working to get money and being able to buy what they want.

The people without money and without a skill base to make for themselves face a big dilemma when they want something they can't afford. The good thing is that it can be the first step in an education that will never stop... but only if they can get over the frustration barrier which is akin to withdrawal from drugs... except its withdrawal from childhood. 
Monkey see, monkey do.


Quote from: sean k on June 11, 2009, 03:30:21 PM

I just went out and built a screen suspended between two concrete walls, 14 mtr span x 2mtrs high, and used steel cables and lightweight nylon or polyprop mesh and I really wasn't sure if the thing would do what it was supposed to do...   

Badminton net? Cinema screen? Moth catcher? Burst box?  ??? I give up.


It's amazing and awesome that people here so helpful and patient as to spend 8 pages (and counting...) answering somebody so blockheaded, without resorting to calling him names (obviously I'm not as mature as you all).

Just think of any reasonable question being asked on Harmony Central. It takes such a thread approximately 3 posts to devolve into a bunch of lolCatz and FAIL image macros. Now look at our fine forum, where even someone who doesn't know how to work f-ing Google and expects people to do all of his research for him, who wants all of some famous guitarist's gear even if he doesn't know what it is or what it does, who doesn't know how to read answers if they aren't in caps, can get all the help he needs (even if he keeps asking the same question after it's been answered).

I commend you guys from that thread. I am trying to curb my snarkiness when I come here, and hope to one day be as mature as you.

BTW, does anyone here know how to make a burst box?

sean k

The question rightly is...  and the answer is a box burst.

Go to the top of a building and drop a box, or carton, full of heavyweight chocolate bars from the roof and when it hits the ground the box will burst... then you have a burst box.

Actually this is why bb guns have that name because when they were first made the original inventor used old cardboard boxes to test his creations on. If you don't believe me then google burst box and on the 13th page you'll find the wikipedia entry for BB guns and the history of.
Monkey see, monkey do.


Actually a burst box is what you call the universe after a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris.

Actually, Chuck Norris only has to look at a box for it to burst - the box explodes out of of fear of his beard.

biggy boy

Quote from: frequencycentral on June 11, 2009, 01:22:59 PM
Quote from: biggy boy on June 11, 2009, 07:42:14 AM
I must be new here ???
I don't get it  :P

I'd post you a link, but:

1. You don't want/need to know.
2. Posting a link would mean that I would have to view the Burst Box thread again, something I have vowed not to do.
3. I would feel bad about the mental anguish I would cause you by hooking you up to the Burst Box thread.

No No I've seen the post.
I was hoping you actually had the schematic and board layout :icon_eek: :icon_mrgreen:

The French connection

Hey i want one! I've eard that Jack White use one for making tremolo burst!
Seriously, the way Foo123 write (wrote?), i think it's just a teen, and i prefer to see him on an electronic forum trying to learn something than anywhere else on the web know...guns and stuff like that! ::)

I know, but the pedal i built does not just increases volume!
My picture files:


The French connection

Quote from: Andi on June 12, 2009, 09:59:54 AM
What if it was boobies?

That explain the Burst box!

Anyway, here's the kit! The average girl drummer is optionnal and come in two color: Red with white stripes or White with red stripes, tone on tone!

I know, but the pedal i built does not just increases volume!
My picture files:
