Tremulus Lune effect barely noticeable

Started by marozie, June 25, 2009, 10:54:52 AM

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I built the pedal from the Tonepad layout. It works, LEDs blink and the input signal is there, but the tremolo effect is very subtle and there is very loud ticking. I realized that while I used the Tonepad layout I used the pot values from the Commonsound layout, not sure if this is the issue. I read the tweaking guide on Commonsound about adding some caps to overcome the ticking, but the effect itself is so soft it's barely noticeable. Any thoughts? Just for reference, I'm using the 9203 with a superbright yellow LED, and my pot values are: Depth - 1k, Smooth and spacing - 500k, Trim (panel mounted) - 100k, Speed and fine - 10k.



The CdS cell was whack. Replaced it and we have a functioning tremolo. I do have some clicking though. In the tweaking guide it says a remedy is to, "place a 100uF cap across V+ and ground" I don't really understand what that means. Anyone?


A 100uF Cap from the 9 Volt Rail to ground just put it across them.
You can also put a 330pF cap across pins 6 & 7 of the TL072 for ticking