Cool James bond style prototype kit

Started by hubble, July 17, 2009, 02:00:55 PM

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hey guys, this is something ive been using in my circuits lab this summer, its a briefcase style breadboard kit, complete with signal generator, power supply (variable 12V dc, 30V AC, and preset +/- 5 and 12 volts DC.  also has some switches and variable resistors built in.  not sure what else it has because we mainly use it for the power supply and breadboard.  the full kits are pretty awesome and come with a lot of things.

heres the deluxe model, pic doesnt do it justice but you get the idea

the kind i use are the model below these, not as cool but still pretty neat.  not sure if anyone has seen these before but when i saw them it reminded me of beavis's (and others) breadboard/prototyping stations.  except this one is in a briefcase, like if james bond were a DIYer lol!

Mick Bailey

Hey, this is just the thing I need to take on holiday for my annual two weeks of boredom. Reminds me of the Xcelite tool kits I used to dream about as a kid but which I could never afford (still can't!). Beats having stuff all over the place. Wonderful.


Do you have a link or a name or anything?


it's not a BURST BOX  it's a circuit box with burst button...


Good luck getting that through an airport.
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.


its made by Elenco electronics, not sure where you can buy them but you can google it.  they are called digital analog trainer.  ive used the plastic case model through the summer and it is so much better than just using a tiny breadboard.  this thing stays put