Making a footswitch with LEDs

Started by Erocku, July 18, 2009, 04:20:12 PM

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I am making a two button footswitch for my Mark III. I know how to wire it up in order to change channels (just connecting sleeve to tip), but I would like to add two LEDs for each button (one for each channel). I know I will have to bring power into the switch as the amp doesnt supply power through the footswitch cables. If you could help me out with the most efficient way to wire this up, i'd appreciate it. Here's a template for what I have. If someone could play connect the dots with it in paint/photoshop for me I'd appreciate it.


No replys yet, let me just put it this way. Should I wire the chain the power from led to led with one resistor before the first led, or does each led need a resistor? Then send the grounds of the leds to the 3pdt?

Al Heeley


I'll connect the dots, but what's with 3 leds? explain the switching to me...

Al Heeley

four leds - he explains in his first post. 2 switches, one led for each channel for each switch.


I think you'll need two resistors.


Quote from: earthtonesaudio on July 21, 2009, 07:42:52 AM
I think you'll need two resistors.

Yes, it will at least take two resistors. One for each switch, but to keep the same luminance it maybe necessary to use four pending on colors being used.


Since I've breadboarded it I can only blame myself.

But It's Just A Chip!
