found some photocouplers

Started by starekase502, July 30, 2009, 01:31:09 PM

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at work todoay i was going through some boxes of old peterson elctronics cards used for electronic organ voices. (i work for a pipe organ company).  Anyway i found some cards that had photo couplers on them.  The photo cell has three legs, they appear to be in heat shrink tube maybe homebrewed, one says VOL on it (maybe just whats written on heat shrink that was used. i was wondering if anyone could tell me if they could be used in any effect.

here are the readings

outer leg 445k
inner leg gives half that

outer legs 11k
again middle leg is half


What kind of effect do you want to build?  Compressor? Phaser? Distortion? Sampler?  There are too many variables to consider.
What about trying this -
1. search the forum, 2. experiment, 3. report back.
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)