PIC-based sysex message controller

Started by Mark Hammer, August 04, 2009, 10:18:51 AM

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Quote from: David on August 10, 2009, 08:34:52 AM
3)  There is a ready to build, though dated, MIDI controller project at Thorsten Klose's site.  It's called the Floorboard.

Here's an extension of Floorboard that really builds in out into something powerful: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/pedal_box

Edit: just read through more of that and it doesn't currently support sysex sends, so you'd have to get in to modify the PIC C code for it.

Actually, when you look at the spec's for that and the dates you start to wonder how many commercial controllers, the All Access, borrowed from that project. :)


Bonus! I couldn't remember the name of the MIDIbox site, I have the url on my other PC and have not transferred all of my favourites over to my laptop where I do most of my 'research' now ;-)
Nothing witty yet ...

Mark Hammer

Denis,  I draw your attention to the following:  http://www.guitarscanada.com/Board/showthread.php?t=24605   Perhaps the three of us can chat about the MIDI controller there.


Quote from: Mark Hammer on August 10, 2009, 11:07:51 AM
Denis,  I draw your attention to the following:  http://www.guitarscanada.com/Board/showthread.php?t=24605   Perhaps the three of us can chat about the MIDI controller there.

Hehe. I'll try -- that's gonna be a hella busy event for me! :)

That MIDIBox, just the box, not the full pedal implementation, would be perfect for you Mark. You can build it in just a small box and it'll support 8 CC controllers. But alas: no sysex support in the current code base. But it is, in all other regards, precisely what you're looking for: a way to attach 8 variable controllers (foot pedals or just pots) to something that translates their motion to MIDI.


23rd, not bad, I'm not on call then, might be able to get away for a few hours, sounds like fun.
Nothing witty yet ...



I just stumbled upon the thread and thought I could chime in, in case it's not too late to be of some help yet.
I'm building a MIDIBOX project myself, and I find the" no SysEx" comments here puzzling. Every MIDIBOX hardware is fully capable of SysEx functions, it's just a 'simple' matter of programming. SysEx messages are just regular MIDI messages, it's just that their meaning depends on the targetted device. But basically, if you want to add SysEx functionalities to your MIDIBOX project, it's really easy (if you can program, that is).

I was thinking, myself, of doing just that to be able to program my ADA MP-1 with my pedalboard, which should be easier than with it's front panel (rotary encoders are more user friendly, I find). Just in case, my own project (PBEx+a) is in the making, so if I can be of any help, just ask.


Yep, I agree. It's a simple matter of programming.

I'm in the middle of building my own MIDI floorboard, and I've added (quite easily) the functionality to dump all presets to a PC using sysex messages, edit them with a small piece of software and load them again to the device if needed.

If anyone needs some help on the topic just knock, and I will try to help.
