Best place for shielded wiring?

Started by Bucksears, August 17, 2009, 10:35:17 AM

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I've got a couple of BSIAB II's that I'd like to try and reduce the noise as much as possible. Not that there is EXCESSIVE noise (I mean, it's almost dead quiet using humbuckers and running the gain at 50-60%), but for that last 25% of the turn it does happen. Even then, it's not like a loose ground-wire buzz or anything, just some high-gain noise that just comes with the territory.

Overall, for dist/OD pedals, (short of using it for everything) where is the most effective place for shielded wires? At the input/output from the board to the footswitch, or at the input/output from the jacks to the switch?



Just repeating what I've been told...

Shielded from jacks to switch, switch to board, board to gain and back, board to volume.

I used that on my Dr Boogey build.


off the top of my head as well, but i believe, to avoid groud loops you only ground the shield at one side (board side). you only want one ground connection from the board to the box so you dont have any ground loops. so you'd  run shielded wire from the input to the switch and from the switch to the board where the shield wire is grounded, then the shield/ground at the switch connects to the shield wire of the input and at the input side dont connect the shield to anything. that way, the shield is grounded right from the input, but creates no ground loop to the box. 
(input)--====--(switch)--======----board input
      n.c /        \________/              \__board ground

where the bottom line is the shield/ground wire and the dotted top line is the signal...
same with the output...
and for the gain pot, connect the shield at the board side of each shielded wire , and n.c. or no connect at the gain pot side.
or if your going to and from the gain pot, you can do it like the illustration above, where (input) is (to gain pot) with no shield connect (switch)is now (gain pot) where shield to gain pot is connected to shield from gain pot, and shield from gain pot to board is(finally) grounded to the board.
either way, you connect the shield at one end only, if you connect both sides it won't interfere with the pedals operation, but it will make a ground loop and will not be as noise free.

nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!