A/DA MN3007 rev01 whine and weirdness

Started by jstack, August 18, 2009, 12:15:40 AM

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Hello, I have just begun to debug this circuit and I'm having a lot of trouble.
First, how should JK3 be wired? I'm not using an expression jack, so I plan on jumping it...
Either way, I've tried it jumped every way I can think of and its still making very odd noises. This may possibly be an error in calibration, because it seems to flange (just with lots of added noise). How would I go about calibrating this circuit without an oscilloscope?

Thanks for your help!


I also notice that there is a strange high pitched "squiggle" under the flange sweep but I believe it is only on one half of the wavelength.


I've fixed the squeal problem, but now I have another  ::) My 'manual' pot isn't doing anything. I suspect this has to do with JK1 (which I don't know how to wire). Can anyone give me a link or something to help me with this please?!

EDIT: JK1 info

If anyone else is having problem with a whine in their A/DA:
This wonderful post by moosapotamus shows how to calibrate it without a scope!

Searching is so damn helpful!!!  ;D