Spice help - Guitar tone

Started by chi_boy, August 21, 2009, 08:21:37 PM

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Hi all,

I hate to do it, but the search button and google have not been very friendly.  I'm trying to climb the LT Spice learning curve. 

I would like to be able to simulate a simple guitar tone circuit in order to evaluate a couple of tone options like the Torres mid scoop and the Fender Greasebucket.  I have something that is operational, but I know it's not right.  It acts a little funny too, but I know it's me. 

I have checked out gaussmarkov's tutorial also.  That got me to where I am, but I would like to get a little closer.

Could anyone link to, or offer help in setting up this type of basic sim?   Sadly, I'm so low on the curve right now, I'm not even sure exactly what to ask.

Thanks for any info.

"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." — Admiral Hyman G. Rickover - 1900-1986

The Leftover PCB Page


It's hard to tell what's going wrong with that information. Maybe you could give us a picture of the circuit you're having trouble with. There's a copy bitmap to clipboard option that I think is under the tools menu.

Unfortunately, there aren't many tutorials or other spice help sites on the internet. You have to play with it a bit until you get the hang of it.


Well I kept at it and did find this page:


This was enough to get the basics down.  I think I am seeing what is happening with the tone now, and it makes sense with what I hear also.  I think I may be getting a little higher on the curve.  It is a pretty neat tool.
"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." — Admiral Hyman G. Rickover - 1900-1986

The Leftover PCB Page


I wrote a simulation tutorial for LT Spice here:


Maybe you'll find it useful.