BMP Getting Lost in the mix

Started by Fleetdog, August 26, 2009, 02:37:27 PM

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I have a NY Big Muff reissue and I really like the pedal but when I play in a group context it seems to really get lost.  Even if I max out the volume on the pedal I can hear myself fine clean and then I kick on the BMP and I can hardly hear what I'm doing at all.  I don't want to do anything too invasive to it since I have a board to build my own mutant muff 3/4 populated.  I'm thinking I might just add some more resistance between the volume pot and ground to boost the volume but I'm not sure if this alone will buy me much more volume before I get so much resistance that it starts changing more than just the volume (mess up output impedance or load Q4 somehow?).  I haven't done any circuit theory in so long I'm not sure what the possible downside (if any) to having too much resistance there might be.

My other thought would be to try and boost the mids but I'm not sure I actually want it to sound different, I just want to be able to hear it when everybody else is playing too.

Any thoughts?


I probably wouldn't do the increased pot value, myself.  Usually when something gets lost, it's because the frequency content overlaps that of other instruments too much.  I would probably try something like a tonemender after it and see if you can dial in a good sound that also cuts through.  Besides, that thing has a boost like nobodies business.
Exact science is not an exact science - Nikola Tesla in The Prestige

John Lyons

If you don't like the way it is you need to change it.
If you don't change it then it will be just as it is.

You need to alter the midrange.

Basic Audio Pedals


FWIW, I have a mid switch for scooped, flat and boosted on my BMP and it does make a rather large tonal difference. Definitly between boosted and scooped. Almost like different pedals. Granted you don't have to boost them as far as I did (if you want the exact decibles, I'll put them into the calculator and find out), just letting you know that it will most likely sound a bit different.


The guitarist in me says get a bigger amp, drown out everyone else.

The sound man in me says get the other guys to turn down if they're drowning you out.

The technician in me says revoice your pedal to get a different frequency response.


Yeah, the problem is the scooped EQ curve of the BMP Tone control when it is around the middle of its travel.  Either twist it one way or the other or change the values, which will significantly change the sound of the pedal.


Just add tone bypass, it will recover all the mids and be pretty flat and it will also increase the volume by a ton.

If you have the latest 3003 Revision C board (blue PCB with ribbon cable to the switch) just find the corresponding components, same deal different layout.