Bridged T notch circuit

Started by bancika, August 30, 2009, 08:06:42 PM

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Well anyway, Bancika, I was able to test some values and if you use the simple circuit mentioned (

and use 100k and 250k in series to ground, with 250p cap across the top and 10n to ground, or 470p across the top and 5n to ground, you should get close to that response...

Following the details on this page: read the whole thing, and it shows you how to mess with the TSC 'baxandall' model into a controllable and simplified  version of this filter, so you can tweak values and see the visual for yourself...note the source resistance of what you drive it with too, thought, as that will have an affect. A buffer is ideal.

If you do this, note that you should make R3 0 for maximum scoop, and you can look at various curves or demo Mark Hammers Mods by changing the value of R3 as if it were a pot...looks like that is the ticket!

If you want a treble control, just wire the second resistor as a voltage divider and tap off the wiper...
Breadboard it!