aahhh..blasted TS pedals don't sound good anymore. new OD recommendation needed!

Started by jamiefbolton, September 16, 2009, 10:56:13 AM

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just as it reads, i'm about finished with TS pedals. definitely finished buying parts for them. but i'm still in the hunt for a DIY overdrive of course.

so i'm looking for natural sound (not too much coloring) maybe a Booster2.5?? i was thinking the BSIAB2, but i don't want a "marshall" sound, so the B2.5 seems like the better choice. and perhaps a run off groove peppermill and a GGG red llama.

looks like a goos start eh?

you guys have any advice or direction on other pedals that are a bit dirty/gritty/relatively colorless/etc etc.



The one I've tried off your list, the Red Llama/ Anderton TSF, does the transparent, low gain thing nicely.  Never had much use for the high gain sounds on it.  It's also dead simple to make, once you have your unbuffered inverters.



+1 for RL/TSF. Try the Mark Hammer mods.  Try a simple JFET booster in front.
For more gain but similar smooth tone, the ODIE is excellent (it's a simple mu amp = half a BSIAB)
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)


"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


  ''What do you like about the amp/speaker/guitar pickups you use ?'' is a fine thing to research prior to a distorter plan, because they all contribute quite noticably to the sound.
 I think better questions are ''how do they work?'', or ''what are they?''  
 Also the terminology is funny, because it is mostly jargon which bubbled out of a "whatever ye' had in the old days soup"...whatever could be found to distort was called an 'overdrive' because it drives something harder making it 'fuzzy' [which sorta means hard clipping with high frequencies], or distorted [about the same if not, but ususally a bit milder or less highs].
 So it can be difficult to tell what 'marshally' or even longer terms actually indicates as to what you want.
 And it can be hard to tell what 'this' box will actually sound like...after it's heard of course you'll know something more.
 The TSF is certainly ''big tubey'' soundin', but it's hard to say if thats what I'd call 'marshally', I've heard "Marshally", which does mean 'not Fendery' [strong midrange], but other than that could be used to describe anything from a Bassman type amp [which most would consider 'country clean' to overdrive] to a Valvestate set to ''Grrrind-o-Crunch'', as you can see the nomenclature and terminology can rotate in circles very freely, and not provide a whole lot of 'traction'.
 @@Rate it's a really smooth tube soundin' fuzz, and does all that 'stuff' internally, though can push an amp that likes a shove too.
 Some amps already have boosters or preamp-pushers and just don't like to be 'shoved' to distort a little more, complaining or acting funny instead of just doing what you want...some more 'Swiss Army Knife'' than others...they all do what they do though.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.