Call out to muff engineers can it be done?...Skreddy etc.

Started by flampton, September 24, 2009, 04:38:23 PM

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Well I've been entertaining this idea lately in my head. Back five or six years ago I built an amp with the help of London Power. I had this idea of working four tubes, a set of EL84 and a set of 6v6, working in parallel. The idea being that there was a blend knob that would be all the way 84's and work its way to 6v6's. It never panned out for my amp because I ran out of patience and machining tools money. (Egnater came out later, lol) So I ended up building an all 84 amp that had a cut knob that pulled one of the 84's out of line. It worked beautifully as I can get that vox 84 feel, and also a pseudo supro feel.

So heres the idea, I'll use Skreddy peds as a reference since peeps are familiar. A 6 transistor muff. 2 transistors are dedicated to the tone. The first 2 gain trannys are a Pig Mine/Pink Flesh. Then the other 2 are higher gain trannys such as you would find in a Zero/Ernie. A blend knob would be incorporated. -180 on the knob all pig mine, +180 all Zero. In between a mix of the four. A cut knob could be incorporated that acted on 2 of the gain transistors. So examples would be...

Blend -180 cut +180 -----pig mine
Blend +180 cut +180 -----zero
Blend 0 cut +180 -------- all four transistors mixed...yes!!!!
Blend 0 cut -180 ---------1 pig mine, 1 zero tranny
Blend 0 cut 0 ----------Ummm revolutionary? or craptastulic?( the summing would be interesting, not going to bother with the math here)
Blend -180 cut -180-----One pig tran
blend +180 cut -180-----One zero tran

This should be possible and not likely hard to design, whether this thing sounds good I don't know. But I'm positive a lot of newer sounds from 1 fuzz pedal would be possible. If someone already has pulled it off I'd like to know.

What do you say? Possible? Impossible? Deranged!!...Yes!!...I want one!! Help builders and make this true for me.


A little bumpity so more people have a chance to go over this idea.  I'm going to try to write up a quick schematic at some point.  I wish I still had a breadboard.


I dont think the sounds would be dramatically different enough to make this worth the effort. In the grand scheme of things the different stages you care talking about aren't all that different anyway.


I don't think you'd hear much difference and its all too much effort for such little to no results.

You're better off just building a bunch of separate muffs IMO.

Run a LPB (an extra gain stage) in front of a Big Muff, it doesn't sound much different it just sustains longer.