OLC instructions for a shredmeister?

Started by ajm, September 30, 2009, 08:52:53 AM

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Hi everyone,

Just getting into this hobby with my son.  I've done electronics in the past and have great memories of taking things apart and making them work better (well sometimes!)  My son took up guitar and is going down the road ... acoustic ... electric ... bass ... 7 string ... larger amp ... and of course we land at distortion pedal.  After a few weeks of narrowing down purchase/build we decide to build - then it was between a BYOC shredder or OLC shredmeister.  We both liked the layout of the OLC box and pulled the trigger.

My experience with OLC hasn't been stellar, though Mark is trying to keep me a happy customer.  Took a few weeks to get the kit (missed my son's b'day, but he got over it.)  Got the kit yesterday - but I have no buildsheet/instructions ... no link, no paper, nothing.  I sent a message to sales - then Mark last evening and have not yet heard back.  I'm sure I will ... but my son will come home from school today and want to get started (as do I!)

Does anyone here have a buildsheet pdf for the OLC shredmeister?  Can you PM me?  Seems that OLC works hard to protect the instructions ...

Thanks for this forum.  I can't promise to be a huge contributor based on what I've read here so far - I'm getting up to speed, but I'm only starting to see everyone's dust ... I hope to catch up sometime before the soldering iron gets cold  :)

Any help with the instructions is much appreciated.



  Once the problem is registered, I'm sure they'll help you out.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


they usually email to you.

i've ordered boards before and get the instructions within a few days via email.


The only instructions I can find there - and I have all but dissected the web site - are for the umble ... their sample build guide in the FAQ. 

I'm sure that I'll hear from them sooner or later ... just looking to hedge my bets on starting the build later today. 

I could compare the board to the BYOC board and trace it out ... I could compare to the original schematic ... I just feel that I bought a kit, not components.  I bought a kit so that I had a nice PCB, not a home etched one ... so that I didn't source an electrolytic vs. a film cap. and have to wait while I reordered ... My son is getting his feet wet - I'm waking up some brain cells ... a kit ... this should be easy.  The only challenge should be component placement and solder joints, not actually getting the kit and then searching for the instructions!

Next time I suppose I just do it myself.


i try to recommend BYOC simply because they're on top of their game in terms of communication and service.


Quote from: aziltz on September 30, 2009, 09:56:15 AM
i try to recommend BYOC simply because they're on top of their game in terms of communication and service.

Those instructions are thorough.
My DIY site:


I like the BYOC instructions - I like that I can FIND the BYOC instructions!  SO ... regarding BYOC ... are the kits available with a choice of enclosure?  That is - would I have been able to get the shredder, for instance, with a 1590BB style enclosure (as the OLC kit?)  That is the main reason we went with OLC.

(Please tell me no what you see is what you get ... that will make me feel better!)


BYOC uses the enclosure they show. For the shedder that's a 125B.


Quote from: ajm on September 30, 2009, 11:00:12 AM
I like the BYOC instructions - I like that I can FIND the BYOC instructions!  SO ... regarding BYOC ... are the kits available with a choice of enclosure?  That is - would I have been able to get the shredder, for instance, with a 1590BB style enclosure (as the OLC kit?)  That is the main reason we went with OLC.

(Please tell me no what you see is what you get ... that will make me feel better!)
It might be worth it to inquire about ordering the kit minus the enclosure.


Yeah - hindsight ... I think it was GGG that offers a choice of enclosure for at least some of the kits ... but they don't have a shredmaster clone ...

next time ...


Got a message from Mark with the appropriate link for the build sheet - now I know what is supposed to go where ... Just a little easier this way!  I spent a large portion of yesterday looking at projects and notes in the gallery ... there is some interesting stuff out there!  Next time I'll try my hand from the ground up.


Good luck. Hope you and your son enjoy it.