tubes, tubes, tubes, and bypass!?

Started by Jeffj85, October 02, 2009, 06:08:40 PM

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Hello again!

I'm working on a little amp I found over at, its the low voltage/volume 12k5 amp. Maybe you've heard about it, well my problem is not with the build. I've built and I definitely like it, heck I like it enough to have decided to incorporate it into a cabinet with a 10" 8 ohm speaker. When I decided to do it I wanted to add the 12au7 boost/overdrive pedal found at I have both projects bread boarded in-front of me and independently they work and sound great! Even together they sound great what am I saying, well enough blabber off to the question, how can I build both of these on  a signal pref board and have a bypass toggle. I've attempted it, I've put a DPDT switch in front of the effect bypassing the effect circuit right to the out put,  but when i set it to bypass it was all low and cruddy sounding. I've also in a blind attempt to get it working added 1n4001 diodes in series from the switch and from the effect. please help.



  Here's a diagram of DPDT signal bypass:
  It even shows the signal flow, how it's travelling through the switch [red marks].
  If the switch was hit once, the red marks would instead be on the top of the switch and signal would flow to in>circuit>out [back to switch then output jack] through the 'top' of the switch.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Oh of course I could wire up the switch properly!!! Such a noob.
