SWTC placement after PT2399 circuit

Started by mth5044, October 03, 2009, 11:02:22 PM

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Alright, so a little background - Several delay circuits, with set volumes, going into a mixer. Mixer going into a buff and blend and the blend knob being used as the volume/mix between dry and effect. I was thinking about adding a SWTC after the mixer but before buff and blend.

All the documents about the SWTC seem to say that the tone pot comes right after a volume pot... do I need a volume pot? Do I have enough buffering going on between the mixer and the buff and blend that a BMP tone control won't have a big impact on the signal, instead of using a SWTC?

Thanks guys  :)


well, in my experience the SWTC is great for trimming the treble and harshness from an OD and Fuzz, but if its something more transparent like a compressor or delay I prefer the SWTC II discussed at muzique.com by Orman.  The SWTC II lets you get passive treble boost and roll-off where the original SWTC only has roll off.

Either way, they're set up for Tone Control --> Volume Pot (usually 100k to be safe with impedances).  If you're trying this on breadboard, I would start with a 100k resister to ground AFTER the Tone Control, to replace the volume pot if you dont want it. It may not be needed, but I think the whole thing was designed to act like a 150k Pot that can only turn up half way, etc...


Hey thanks aziltz, I was actually looking to use the SWTC 2, although I forgot to specifiy  :)  I will try your suggestion out.. i was also thinking about putting a trimmer after it.