I'm going to build a Fuzz Face pedal! (First build)

Started by Woopa, October 25, 2009, 06:21:02 AM

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I love to use my soldering iron, so now it's time for my first pedal.
The parts is on it's way!

This is the layout I'm going to use:


Hello Woopa! A FF is an excellent first pedal to make, but there are a ton of different versions out there and some are a bit more tweakable than the plain-jane version, so I would certainly investigate if there are others more suited to your need (although this version sounds fine as well), unless you are going to build a whole string of them :-)
What kind of transistors did you order? A matched set, or extras, to do your own matching?


This looks fine, and I am actually glad to see that your layout calls for silicon devices rather than germanium; it is more likely to work right off the rip with the published resistor values. Note that numerous other cheap and readily-available NPN devices will also work: 2N2222A, 2N3904 are good candidates. For lower-gain parts, try a 2N4123 or 2N4401.

A suggestion for being able to tweak the bias resistor and/or cap values:

Instead of hard-soldering components in place, substitute a short length of single-in-line socket material:


This will not change the layout at all, and it affords a way to change a component value without soldering. If you also build in a three-pin length for each of the transistors, you have, in effect, a complete pluggable breadboard for FF experimenting.

Happy construction!, and let us know how you make out.

Steve Daniels


Jarno: I'm going to build one for me. But some pals want me to build one for them if mine turns out good. I got a matched set of BC108C.

smallbearelec: You should have been in Europe. It gets to expensive to order from US. ;)
But thanks for the tip! I saw on a page that you can use a IC-socket to for that. I think that I will do that. At least for the transistors.


Single-in-line socket is just a common part available all around Europe as well as the trannies suggested. Also i order from smallbear often and can't say it is expensive :). I wish i could find those plastic DC connectors where i live ...
The layout you're gonna use reminds me of the second issue that was created for silicon FF, which is a bit funny since they used the BC108 and BC109s and you can see on the pictures of the original units that they have CBE pinout and thus do not fit the layout that good - i wander what BCE trannies they were about to stick in originally ...


Quote from: yeeshkul on October 25, 2009, 05:24:44 PM
The layout....used the BC108 and BC109s and you can see on the pictures of the original units that they have CBE pinout...

My Dumb! Yes, thanks for pointing this out!

Woopa: The ECB pinout is much less common than the CBE of the devices that are most easily available. Make sure that you know the pinout of the ones you have, or you will be wondering why your FF does not work.

Electric Warrior

Quote from: yeeshkul on October 25, 2009, 05:24:44 PM
Single-in-line socket is just a common part available all around Europe as well as the trannies suggested. Also i order from smallbear often and can't say it is expensive :). I wish i could find those plastic DC connectors where i live ...
The layout you're gonna use reminds me of the second issue that was created for silicon FF, which is a bit funny since they used the BC108 and BC109s and you can see on the pictures of the original units that they have CBE pinout and thus do not fit the layout that good - i wander what BCE trannies they were about to stick in originally ...

Apparently they used BC183Ls in the earlies silicon units :)


Electric Warrior

nothing's wrong. just make sure you get the pinout right.


Thanks EW!  ;)

Woopa: look at the pictures of the original Si units (layout issue 2 = your layout) - the base leg is always at an angle (and usually isolated) because BCs are CBE but the layout is BCE. Funny thing. Then look at the original Ge layout (issue 1) - the transistor legs fit the CBE order.


That is really instresting. You can wonder why they did that. Ha ha
I think i have some cloth isolated wire laying around. I could pull some cloth of that and use to isolate the leg on the Transistor.



Quote from: Woopa on October 25, 2009, 05:10:05 PM
Jarno: I'm going to build one for me. But some pals want me to build one for them if mine turns out good. I got a matched set of BC108C.

smallbearelec: You should have been in Europe. It gets to expensive to order from US. ;)
But thanks for the tip! I saw on a page that you can use a IC-socket to for that. I think that I will do that. At least for the transistors.

Just order a truckload of stuff :-) , shipping is cheaper from the US -> EU than from DE -> NL


I don't know how the Customs work in NL. But in Sweden(if the country outside EU) you have to pay 5% Customs and 25% taxes. So i don't think that it's a good deal to order from USA.


The shipping for a few transistors and sockets is only $2.28. That can't be that bad.


Quote from: aron on October 27, 2009, 04:46:54 AM
The shipping for a few transistors and sockets is only $2.28. That can't be that bad.

Ok, maybe it is cheaper. I give up, haha.
Next time i'l order a truckload from the states. ;)


Customs could be a killer though like you said. In any case, good luck with your Fuzz Face.


Quote from: Woopa on October 27, 2009, 04:45:18 AM
I don't know how the Customs work in NL. But in Sweden(if the country outside EU) you have to pay 5% Customs and 25% taxes. So i don't think that it's a good deal to order from USA.

Luckily, the tax system at the dutch post is not very efficient, smaller packages often slip through. And below 22euros you can import without taxes, you can buy a lot of parts for this :-) 25% VAT is quite a kicker though, in NL it's only 19%.
By the way, there are also some shops on eBay in Germany and UK which have all sorts of interesting stuff, and no import duties of course. And have you tried Banzai Effects in Germany?


I had some money over so i sent an order for more parts. Before I'm done with the first, haha. It's gonna be a Russian Big Muff.

Played around in Photoshop. Everyting should be in scale too.
Russian Green Big Muff... But mine is gonna be the Green Beaver.

Time to jump in Photoshop to design the Fuzz Face.