Alternatives to the Taiwan Blue 3PDT?

Started by Philippe, October 25, 2009, 02:23:06 PM

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Are they bakelite?  Or the same plastic?  They should be harder to melt...
Breadboard it!


i'd be happy with something that's hard to melt... then i can wave my iron around willy nilly (:
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


It's not the case that melts, it's the stuff holding the lugs in


This issue pops up every once-in-a-while. I'll review it from SBE's perspective, comment where I can do so authoritatively and, I hope, provide some useful perspective.

More than ten years ago, Mike Fuller worked with a Taiwanese contract manufacturer to develop the 3PDT switch with the phenolic body. I don't know whether he still sources them from the same shop. While I don't know details, I know that New Sensor worked with that same company to develop their clone of the Fulltone switch, which everyone came to know as the "Blue 3PDT." Same mechanics, different plastic for the body.

Small Bear has always ordered the Blue 3PDT from the same vendor that developed both the Fulltone switch and the New Sensor clone. We will continue to do so, though we have been offered numerous cheaper Chinese copies. The maker's record of reliability and consistency has been good enough that I have never wanted to risk going elsewhere for a lower price. The manufacturer prefers not to be a household name, partly because, like many trading companies/manufacturers in China, they can't handle small orders economically. Mostly, they don't advertise for business. You, pretty much, have to find Them (or be introduced as I was,) and save your nickels till you can fund your first order.

The original Blue 3PDT was Not RoHS-compliant. The manufacturer made the necessary changes to materials when RoHS became an issue, the part that we offer as SKU 0200 Is compliant, and they are so stamped. The Non-RoHS-compliant model does still exist and U.S. commercial accounts can special-order it from us, but we will not ship it internationally.

Quote from: Taylor on October 25, 2009, 07:00:16 PM
I have heard various reports of certain 3PDTs being better than others.

True, from what I have seen. Some of the Chinese clones are really ugly, and others are very competitive. But the difference in price at wholesale quantities will never be sufficient to induce us to go elsewhere solely to increase profit.

Quote from: Taylor on October 25, 2009, 07:00:16 PM
I really think that the way to go is to get away from mechanical switching altogether.

Quote from: boogietube on October 25, 2009, 09:30:34 PM
RG had spoken about the switch actutator that they use in visual sound pedals...An alps as I remember....I will tell you that I got really confused looking at all of their actuators...

It's a good way to go if you are manufacturing. Even DIYers can make use of this actuator, which I get from the maker of the Blue 3PDT:

Quote from: Greg_G on October 26, 2009, 08:09:59 PM
Who's "Run Run"?

Not a manufacturer, but another Very reputable Taiwanese trading company.

Quote from: gmr1 on October 28, 2009, 05:09:45 PM
Quote from: Taylor on October 28, 2009, 03:30:52 PM
Skiraly mentioned above that Run Run has a minimum order of 1000, so I'm guessing a minimum of $2000 to get any. Though perhaps a group buy could happen?
When doing sourcing for the company I work for, got a quote from RunRun: 1000 switches at $2.60 a pop including freight via FedEx

That's reasonable. Note that SBE offers the Taiwanese Blue at $2.85 in thousand-piece lots, F.O.B. Brooklyn:

The high price for small lots helps support our shop. However, I have No problem with a group buy! Anyone who wants to put one together (and make a few bucks taking small orders!) is welcome to do so.



Excellent thread and good info from SD at Small Bear!
It's all about the tone!

POPA - Plain Old Power Attenuator AVAILABLE for PURCHASE soon!
Silvertone 1482 rebuilt - switchable Tweed, tube reverb, Baxandall + / Little Angel Chorus build, tons of Modded pedals


I think I remember reading on the Fulltone site once that they had made improvements to the original 3pdt design and the Fulltone switches are now quantitatively different than the "blues" out there.  The site also claimed that they had never had a failure of the redesigned switch.  I don't know whether this is marketing BS, but if it's not I wish he'd make the new design available to the public.


similarly to what Small Bear said, I've always sourced my switches from him rather than risking something marginally cheaper... they have their failures and bent legs, but the numbers work well.

i've seen different models perform any varying quality... so they are different ones out there that look identical.  i THINK most stamped with a legitimate RoHS print have been all good so far.
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!