display showing milliseconds of delay

Started by carrejans, November 02, 2009, 02:49:31 PM

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Hi guys,

Has anyone of you thought about making some kind of display (7-segment leds, lcd, ...), to show the milliseconds of your diy delay pedal?
How have you made this/would you do this?

Are there any commecial analog delay pedals, with such a display?


I haven't done it myself, but I know one way that will work in the analog case.

Firstly, you need a set of delay times for a given clock frequency. This varies depending on how many BBD chips you use. You can feed the clock into a PIC and run a program that will correlate the data into the delay time in binary, which you would attach to the LCD or whatever. Microchip carries many PICs that will do this. It usually makes more sense to simply blink the rate (or tempo), which you can do with internal counters on the PIC. You could certainly do both, hats off to anyone trying that one out!

Believe it or not (in the case of modding), its probably harder to do in the digital case because you wouldn't necessarily have access to the DSP code and available on-chip interfaces (usually GPIO) to do this on. But there are lots of DSPs out there where you can easily do this.

The Tone God

It can be done but the easiest way is with some type of microcontroller setup which most DIYer aren't into yet.

Commercial units include Boss DD-20, Digitech TimeFactor, and a few rack mount units. Quite frankly its not that useful IMHO.



Thanks for your replies.
I will give it a try some day, with a PIC. (not much time these days)


I'll be trying this out in Dec too.

Essentially I'm thinking of writing a "PTAP" tap tempo style control into a PIC 2550 and which adjusts the digital potentiometer to the given delay, and at the same time output the bpm/ms to 3 x 7-seg display.

If this works, I'm gonna use a bigger PIC so I can store different delay profiles and bring them up on demand. =P