Neovibe power supply

Started by elpucho, November 02, 2009, 09:22:15 PM

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Hi guys,

I'm going to tackle building the Neovibe but I'm a bit unsure about the power supply, I've built quite a few pedals now but only using 9v batteries so this is quite new to me.

I've found a power supply which has the following information on it:   Class 2 Transformer
                                                                                                    Input: 230-240VAC 50Hz 150mA
                                                                                                    Output: 16VDC 900mA
                                                                                                    Centre Pin: Positive

I checked it with a multimeter and it has 22.8V output.

Would this be suitable to use and which model of bridge rectifier should I use?

Thanks for any help, I thought this was quite important as I tend to get a little nervous when I plug things into a socket and I don't quite understand this power supply thing yet!


I've ordered everything I need to build now, but still unsure if this power supply would be suitable. as far as I see the voltage is fine as that will be taken care of by the voltage rectifier on the PCB.

Can anyone givee me any advice?

(sorry for the bump, hope it's not bad etiquette)


The supply seems to be DC all ready so you do not have to use the on board rectifier in the Neovibe build (assuming you use R.G:s projectfile.) the 7815 IC will see to that the circuit gets the correct voltage. And the trimpot that the LFO can be biased. 22V seems to be without load. Messure with some load to see what you get.  

Or you cold use a MAX1044 and step youre 9V suply up to 18V and let the 7815 IC handle the rest. See the PT80 pover supply part at GGG.
The only bad sounding stomp box is an unbuilt stomp box. ;-)
//Take Care and build with passion (exlude x to mail)


I agree with solderman but just be careful with the fact your power supply is centre positive and not centre negative like most pedal power supplies!

Also i recommend to build your neovibe with JC Maillet's darlington lamp driver modification. It gives you much more scope with the type of bulb you choose...


Thanks for the info guys.

I am planing to use RG's project file but I don't think I could handle trying to use a MAX1044 to up the 9v up to 18v, I'm beginning to feel a bit out my depth with this pedal!

As I will be using the regulator (I got a L7518CV) can I just hook up the DC positive and negative terminals to pads J & K on RG's layout and not worry about the supply being centre pin positive?  I won't be using the supply with any other pedals, just this one.

Sorry if these are dumb questions, I just wanted to be clear what I'm doing.


Don't worry. The only bad thing that can happen is that you fry a transistor or two. Btw they are more persistent to abuse that one can think. I have goofed up a couple of times myself and switched the polarity wrong.  I turned a 100uF E-cap wrong with the only result that I blown it sort of with a pooofff.
I would cut of the plug on the supply and mount a boss style polarity one so you (or some of your friends) don't  goof up by mistake in the future and mistakenly takes the wrong supply to the wrong pedal. most non polarity protected circuts handle higher voltage better than wrong polarity
Yes you can connect them directly as long as you keep track of the polarity and jump the rectifier. Keep the filtering caps.    
The only bad sounding stomp box is an unbuilt stomp box. ;-)
//Take Care and build with passion (exlude x to mail)