Whats your favorite pedal youve made

Started by realizewhoitis, November 06, 2009, 01:53:22 PM

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Whats your favorite pedal you have made so far or the wildest one? anyone tried making a double pedal with 2 overdrives or an overdrive and compress.?


I made one with 3 overdrives. It was alright.

Favorites by category---

Most used: Analog Delay, NPN boost

Favorite aesthetics: Gristleizer (and my most recent Hammond HSFuzz), mostly due to the lovely powdercoated enclosure it's sitting in.
Warsaw, Indiana's poetic love rock band: http://www.bellwethermusic.net

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my pushme pullyou gets used a ton since I built it

also stage center spring reverb


I have a SHO and a Zendrive in the same pedal which I use A LOT. Fantastic pedals.

I really like the Echo Base too. So many great ones


The day i know I'm gonna stop making pedals. The DIY pedal hobby is a quest for the unreachable ;)
The only bad sounding stomp box is an unbuilt stomp box. ;-)
//Take Care and build with passion

xSolderman@soldersound.com (exlude x to mail)


I have 2...BSIAB II and Dr.Boogey.

The Mockman was rather satisfying as well in that it really emulates the "Boston" sound.
Ernie Ball Music Man - JPM, THD Univalve, Grace Big Daddy, PepperShredder, BSIAB2, FireFly Amplifier.


Primer-grey boost/drive box.

It's a BJT booster coupled into a JFET stage.

COntrols are 'Gain' 'Tone' 'Volume'.

Tons of grit (and treble if you'd like), with a switchable Ge / Si clipping stage for that extra '80s'.

Can't remember when I last played without it.

Had I not built the NPN Boost beginner's project, or the mighty Sparkle Boost, I would never have built this.

Happiness is a warm etchant bath.



Quote from: punkin on November 06, 2009, 06:33:26 PM
I have 2...BSIAB II and Dr.Boogey.

The Mockman was rather satisfying as well in that it really emulates the "Boston" sound.

Ive been thinking about making a Dr. Boogey but i dont know whick schems to use.  looking around here it looks like most people are using geos


Yes! Build the Dr.Boogey (http://gaussmarkov.net/wordpress/circuits/dr-boogey/)
I spent hours at GC the other day trying different distortion and overdrive pedals, then I went home and built this thing and it smokes 'em all.
Besides that one, I actually still love playing my Bobtavia. It was the first pedal I ever built (probably the easiest build ever), and it sounds awesome for what a simple circuit it is. Just use 2 germanium diodes instead of 4 silicon IMO.


Quote from: mantella on November 06, 2009, 10:14:33 PM
Yes! Build the Dr.Boogey (http://gaussmarkov.net/wordpress/circuits/dr-boogey/)
I spent hours at GC the other day trying different distortion and overdrive pedals, then I went home and built this thing and it smokes 'em all.
Besides that one, I actually still love playing my Bobtavia. It was the first pedal I ever built (probably the easiest build ever), and it sounds awesome for what a simple circuit it is. Just use 2 germanium diodes instead of 4 silicon IMO.

Ive  never heard of the Bobtavia what is it? and what does switching to the two gms's do better than the 4 silicon?



I love things with tubes.  Of course, my amp is a little too big to be called a stompbox, but it has a three button footswitch if that counts.  I also love the Red Llama and the DieFET.
Exact science is not an exact science - Nikola Tesla in The Prestige


I can't decide...
Either the first one, a fuzz-face.

or a Superfuzz, which nails the "jar of angry hornets" tone.


My favorite pedal is the BSIABII. It's a great high gain pedal if that's what you're into. My other favorite pedals are the tonemender and the condor cab simulator. Sometimes I'll play with all three, and I always play with my BSIAB going into my tonemender.

If your looking for a pedal that will always come in handy, I suggest building a Tonemender.



Son of screamer from jack Ormans site will always be a favorite, first one started (rather ambitiously) and finished 7 years later on the 2nd or 3rd go. still pull it out every now and again and smile.

but the humble Fuzz face has to be my favorite overall, so many options so many tweeks, so many transistors to try, I have done about 30 of them now and never get bored of them :)



PT-80, Orange Squeezer and a modified TS808. I also liked the Sparkle Boost but a customer needed one so I gave him mine. I'm currently using a Mini Booster in its place.


  Having filtered out all the other matters, and boiling that down:
  For my rig, it's a Fuzzface [after a few circles around the tweeking block].
  Having said that, effects alone can only be judged by their looks, they are reduced to only making a clicking sound.
  The FF being a prime example of that, it doesn't sound without a source and an amplifier. When it does 'sound' it depends to a large degree on the guitar/*amplifier/speaker, becoming an optimized top pick, or an out of control, unbearable mess.
  That said: yes !
  My 1rst and 2nd "two tier pedalboards'' are designed to have various chain strings that work well together:
  Starting with boost, or Comp-boost.
  Or starting with FF sourcing HB's fed into 500ka/treble-bled guitar volume.
   From there, hitting any one of a number of buttons takes it to severe distortion or heavy output.
  A heavy sprinkling of Pre-gains and frequency shaping, while knowing what is set for what...offers great control over a wide variety of tone, [as long as I'm paying attention].
  The most important controls knobs are prominent and smooth enough that my foot can make the fine adjustments ~quickly.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


If I had to pick just one...
Morley PFL "workalike" (actually better).
The sound of an A/DA and the flexability of a PFL...

Sorry, nothing exciting like a dist/fuzz/OD/etc...
Mystery lounge. No tables, chairs or waiters here. In fact, we're all quite alone.


Bobtavia is an octave up / fuzz.

They're a lot of fun and an easy build.

Hendrix's "Band of Gypsies" sort of sound.

I'd second the use of Germanium Diodes over Silicon.  Silicon version didn't really show much 'octave up' tone.  It was there - but not so prominent.  Ge Diodes clip in a slightly softer way, so the octave up was there without having to pick each note so hard.


I used OA90 orOA91 signal diodes in the ones I've built so far - and they scream.
Happiness is a warm etchant bath.