Question: Phase90 distorts a bit

Started by Bullet79, November 12, 2009, 04:17:58 PM

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diy phase 90.. now i noticed it sounds kinda dirty... it was fine few weeks ago...
all new component except for the 2N5952 (4 of them) wich i got it from my broken MXR...

one more thing that really buzz me since i finished built it.. is about the pots.. i'm using A500K but i didnt get that medium speed phasing... knob at 0 - slow phase...knob at 5.. still slow ..when at 8 fast & 10 spacey fast...
what could be wrong 

Mark Hammer

You have the wrong taper.  It should be C (reverse log) rather than A (log).  In other words, the changes in resistance for each degree of clockwise rotation should start out large and get progressively smaller.  The log taper starts out small and gets progressively larger, the opposite of what you want for smooth change of speed.

There are two solutions.  One is to get a reverse-log pot.  The other is to simply wire up the pot in reverse so that clockwise gets you slower speeds, and counter-clockwise gets you faster ones.