Ummm.... I guess I'm looking for some kind of signal degrader :)

Started by obblitt, November 30, 2009, 03:58:04 PM

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Is there some way to get that crappy, degraded audio signal that you can get with a digital pedal with shitty tracking? I'm thinking of the Digitech Whammy, and that sound that it gives you... Ask me questions so that I might better describe what I'm looking for!

jacobyjd are a few suggestions--combinations will probably get you closer:

-Some sort of bitcrusher/sample rate reducer
-Blue box = bad tracking
-Random Number Generator

None of these will give you that clean aliasing you'd get from the whammy, but are in the same vein.
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what are some examples of bitcrusher or sample rate reducer circuits?


Are you thinking of something similar to the new Paul Gilbert Airplane Flanger?


The mangling the whammy pedals do is kind of interesting, it is crude granular synthesis, that has lots of artifacts and whatnot.  some of the artifacts sound a bit flangey, but atonal,  it's kind of hard to pin down how to recreate that sound with analog pedals.

There is a funny little chip that has a crummy pitchshifter in it, for kids toys, the holtek HT8950, that would probably be degraded enough for you!

Here's a weird idea, marry a bluebox to an AB switch to a delay or flanger, and use the logic squarewave signal that represents the octave down to drive a SPDT analog switch to cut back and forth between the dry and delayed sound, at an interval that had something to do with the note you're playing.  That would probably sound suitably awful, ha ha, all of the garbly nasty side effects of pitchshifting, without changing pitch. 


In a "simpler" context - can you jam a germanium diode into a flanger circuit to create a weird noise tone?