recommend a huge sounding bass distortion/fuzz?

Started by scottlynn73, December 04, 2009, 07:06:57 AM

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hey guys- a friend has asked me to build him a bass distortion pedal (or fuzz perhaps)

can anyone recommend a (reasonably simple) project? would be looking for something to make the bass sound particularly evil, but not lose bottom end


Catalinbread SFT? Schematic / Layout are at place known as "the other forum"...


I built a clone of the Green Russian Muff and it sounds pretty darn good, and i've probably built about 10 or 15 different distortions for bass.  I left out the tone control, i like the full on sound, but he may want it in.  In my opinion it wasn't EXACTLY like the green russian i used to own, but it's a great sounding pedal nonetheless.  Those green russians go for $200 on ebay, why buy one that may not even sound that great?  Schematic, parts list, and i think a PCB you can purchase is at
Bassist for Foul Spirits
Head tinkerer at Torch Effects
Instagram: @torcheffects

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You can try a Si based FF: However REDUCE the input cap size until the bottom end is not "muddy" it might be a smaller value than you might first think.

  This is adjusts the high pass frequency and is a kind of blend of the fundamental with the fuzzed harmonics of the fretted note.

  It is kind of like mixing the clean with the fuzzed with two mixer channels.


I should try that, I'm a bassplayer myself and up until now I just plonked in a honkin' big input cap to retain low-end. Say 100n and up. Maybe I'll try one with a switchable input cap.


I second the green tank big muff recommendation.  I used one on bass for years and I just sounded great.  No mods necessary.
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


I really love the fuzzy mastodon or whatever you would like to call it.Very easy build too.

Stompin Tom

Quote from: connie_c on December 04, 2009, 04:49:35 PM
I really love the fuzzy mastodon or whatever you would like to call it.Very easy build too.

yupp. Woolly mammoth is evil and has big bottom. Sort of loose your low mids, but you're still there in the mix (which is a problem I've had with the few big muffs I've tried on bass... I really only like them if I'm playing above the 12th fret). You can find info on the WM at the "other forum". I personally still really like the simple Bazz Fuss with a higher gain transistor. It retains more of my mids to my ears. Both are easy builds... maybe throw them into one box.


Presciption Electronics Depth Charge. Guitarists also rave about the low end response of this pedal:


the above is h "tt" p and before the ".org" type "..."

EDIT: Sorry. I guess that site is banned for posting. I just returned to electronics and this awesome forum after a 3 year hiatus. My fault.

Anyway, I do like the depth charge for both guitar and bass. I never tried a wholly.


I spend way too much time and money on bass specific distortions... what kind of amp are you playing through?