Uglyface freek mod Question?

Started by Wales, December 04, 2009, 12:57:10 PM

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Just preparing to make the ugly face. After hearing all the sound clips and user comments, I feel I need one of these. My only question with the build is the Freek mod. I think it is just a 50k pot that as you increase the value it puts some of the output signal back into the input of the board. So by thinking this I assume that when switched in the: board output goes to pin 2 on the pot, board input goes to pin one of the pot, and pin three of the pot to ground? I am also assuming that the board In's and Out's are wired parallel with the pot?

Is this the way its done is my thinking right? I can figure out the switching for this mod but i want to make sure I am switching it into the right configuration before I go to far.

Thanks as always


Anyone? Should i rephrase the question?


It would help if you posted a link. I've done a lot of reading on the UglyFace and built a couple but haven't heard of this mod.


Uh sorry totally gaped out on that one, bein a while since i posted I forgot the basics.

The original circut was Tim Escobedo's and was found on the Moosapotamus web sight
From thing I have read one DIYstompboxes I think Tim may have passed on, if so well wishes to all that knew him. The links to Tim's page and schematics are no longer working, however there is a newer version posted. This version is just the circut and non of the off board wiring.

The circut I have been building includes an LFO and is posted on the second page of this.
The post talks about the mod but doesn't describe it. Maybe I missed it.


I think I have read everything in the old posts about the ugly face, but found nothing on the freek mod. I guess I will have to breadboard this portion before assembly.

Any thoughts are appreciated.


I'm not sure if what you described in your first post would work. Imagine if the pot was turned all the way so that the output was connected to ground. Not only would the "freek mod" not work but this would now short the entire output of the UF to ground. Obviously then there would be no sound.

I haven't heard about this mod, so I can't be sure but here is what I would try. Wire the pot like you said initially, but instead of tying lug three of the freek pot to ground, put it right before the output pot. This way the freek pot acts like a voltage divider sending part of the signal back to the input, and part to the output.

So to clarify, lug one goes back to board input, 2 is board output, and 3  volume pot.

I really don't know what I'm talking about and haven't the slightest idea whether or not this will work but it should be a good place to start. This will likely cause mass hysteria, but with a name like freek mod I assume that's what you're going for.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.


That seems to make sense to me. I'll try it and see what I find out. The board is 90% done and just making the vactrol, so testing comes sooon.

Heres what the moosapotamus sight says about it:

Another one of Tim Escobedo's Circuit Snippets. The envelope control mod is way cool. Go listen to it at Tim's web site. Mine came out sounding exactly the same as his, except for the 'Freek mod' that I did, that is.
The Freek knob is a 50K pot wired between the input and output. The Freek switch is a SPST that switches the Freek pot in and out. Switching it in drops the volume a bit, but also gives a big low frequency (bass) boost.


Quote from: Wales on December 10, 2009, 03:00:37 PM
From thing I have read one DIYstompboxes I think Tim may have passed on, if so well wishes to all that knew him.

wait a minute.....what?


I forgot what post i read something in that implied this but I also don't know Tim or anything about him. I have read too many post on the uglyface and may of mistook this information in the wrong context. I hope I didn't start a rumor and apologize for talking about something I didn't have full knowledge of.


After staring at the build photos on the Moosapotamus sight

It looks to me like lug one of the freek pot is tied to lug two of the volume pot and lug three of the freek pot is tied to the SPST that then connects to the board in. This makes no sense cause you can't just use the outside lugs of the pot, so I assume my eyes are lying to me and Lug two of the freek pot should be tied to the SPST that then connects to board in.

This still seems opposite to me to the way it should because as you increased the pot you would get less freek. At least I have a good starting place with Ian's suggestion of putting the extra lug back to the output pot.

If anyone sees or thinks of anything that i am missing it would be greatly appreciated.