LM308 vs. OP 07 for RAT

Started by WGTP, December 10, 2009, 05:02:09 PM

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I see that the ProCo Solo uses an OP 07 op amp which I also see has a low slew rate of .3 same as the LM308.  It also has the compensation cap making it a replacement for the LM308 along with the NE5532 and TL070.

Has anyone tried it in the Rat circuit?   :icon_cool:
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


Don't the current Rats use the OP 07?


I am thinking of making the Rat, and see that Mouser does not carry the LM308. What is a good replacement for the LM308?

I know that Small Bear carries the LM308, but do not want to for shipping for one part.


CA3130EZ is what I have in my Rat.  I like it.  My friend tried one but prefers the LM308N.


My question should have been, How does the OP07 compare to the LM308 or other options.  Any of the op amps listed should work in the std. circuit, the main issue being the compensation cap that is 30pf IIRC.   The NE5534 (not the 5532 I first mentioned, that is a dual op amp), sounded a little sweeter and less wooley than the TL070 I also tried.   :icon_cool:
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


there's this video i came across one day comparing two rat clones...one with the lm308 and one with the op07dp. they sound pretty identical. a while back i was ordering a bunch of parts for some projects and got an lm308 to stick in my modded turbo rat to see if all the hype was nonsense and i actually preferred the op07dp because it seemed to be a little louder and tad bit more aggressive. they were pretty close in my particular rat...but yeah, try to find that video. you'd be amazed.


Quote from: caspercody on December 10, 2009, 07:24:22 PM
I am thinking of making the Rat, and see that Mouser does not carry the LM308. What is a good replacement for the LM308?

I know that Small Bear carries the LM308, but do not want to for shipping for one part.

Futurlec has them for $2.30
Consistency is a worthy adversary



I like the LM301 in Rat and Rat-like circuits. Mouser has them for pretty cheap.


Thanks everyone!
So far I got:

To use in place of LM308 for the Rat.


I've tried this a couple of years ago, and sounded more trashy with CA3130, TL071 or  OP07, not as crunchy with LM308.

Also try leds for clipping!
Hey! Turk-&-J.D.! And J.D.!