Volume Pedal Mod wiring ideas

Started by jkokura, December 12, 2009, 11:27:34 PM

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I got one of these: http://www.bespeco.it/detail.php?mac=6&cat=116&sub=0&det=2923&lingua=en

I was thinking about something to tinker with among my pre-built pedals, and I thought - this is probably the easiest to mod! It's a pretty basic unit - sound in the input, through a volume pot, and out again. I usually use it with my acoustic guitar just to kill the sound.

So my idea is to add a buffer in there - give the rest of my TBP gear the benefit of a nice clean signal - then add a Tuner output which doesn't need to be attached to the Volume output, so it can just be off the input (before or after the buffer?).

I'm going to use the perfboard opamp buffer. http://www.singlecoil.com/tb-strip/dia8.html

Another idea I had was to give it stereo/mono in and stereo out - so one guitar could feed an amp and a DI, or parallel effects chains, or stereo effects, or two amps from ONE input, or from TWO inputs. Maybe there would be a tuner output as well, but that's 5 jacks out the top of that thing...

Anyway. Ideas? Thoughts? Potential wiring diagrams?



  Plot out what it is this thing needs to do.
  That turns out more useful than what it would do.
  Figure out what you'll actually use it for.
  Diagrams are much easier to scrap or modify, to start new with, strongly recommended as a project start.
  Check out AMZ simple-mixer for the input side, even simpler, a preset volume on #2 input, only 2 input, proportioning the#1 input through the volume pedal side, requireing +1 signal jack.
  How do you like the volume pedal now ?
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Alrighty Pete, here's my try.

It NEEDs to be a buffered volume pedal with a Tuner out. I'll try and diagram it soon.

Also, the volume pedal now is great. It goes in, through a volume pot and out. Very simple. However, I used to use it at the end of a bunch of buffered effects, and now I want to use it in front of a bunch of unbuffered true bypass effects.

Does anyone else do that kind of stuff with their volume pedals?


you could always build craig andertons "spluffer" its a buffered signal split/panpot design. its on the list of things i wanna do. idk how to add the 2nd input. still new to the diy thing in comparison to most users on here

N.S.B.A. ~ Coming soon


I would put two buffers at the input of the pedal. This splits your signal into two channels. One goes out to your tuner, the other to the pot of the volume pedal. I'm not entirely sure if you would also benefit from a buffer after the volume pot though. This may depend on the value of the pot itself.


Quote from: ianmgull on December 13, 2009, 10:50:13 PM
I would put two buffers at the input of the pedal. This splits your signal into two channels. One goes out to your tuner, the other to the pot of the volume pedal. I'm not entirely sure if you would also benefit from a buffer after the volume pot though. This may depend on the value of the pot itself.

Good advice. I was wondering if I could just run one buffer to two outputs.

How would I run from the input jack into the pair of buffers? Can I just run two wires from the Tip of the jack? I probably have to switch that jack to a stereo jack anyway for the power for the Buffers - I think it's mono right now.

If not that way, I imagine I need a splitting circuit. I wonder if I can perfboard a splitter into two buffers...



The pair of buffers is the splitting circuit. It splits your signal between the tuner and the volume pot. Just run two wires from the tip of the input jack to the buffers.


So then:

Input Jack > Buffer 1 > Tuner out jack
                > Bufffer 2 > Volume Pot > Output Jack

That way, even when the Volume is down I still have Tuner output. Also, in a pinch the Tuner output could act as a direct out and I could run parallel effects.

But then, if I wanted to do a stereo in, stereo out and the tuner...

Input Jack 1 > Buffer 1 > Tuner out jack
                  > Bufffer 2 > Volume Pot > Output Jack 1
Input Jack 2 > Bufffer 3 > Volume Pot (same volume pot?) > Output Jack 1

So then my question is, can I use the one volume put for both outputs? How then does it get wired in if it's one pot? Perhaps I need to look closely at how it's currently wired...

Also, I think the pot in there is a 100k stock, I was wondering what would happen if I changed it's value? I'm not sure if it's a fairly normal pot or if I could even find something to replace it with...
