Started by aron, December 22, 2009, 07:44:06 PM

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Ernie Ball Music Man - JPM, THD Univalve, Grace Big Daddy, PepperShredder, BSIAB2, FireFly Amplifier.


Quote from: deadastronaut on December 23, 2009, 12:11:58 PM
p.s hope to get a new soldering iron for xmas..ha ha.....

I am right there with you man!

About a month ago during a college interview I was asked about my favorite website. I didn't even have to think. Thanks to all of you who make this place the place it is (you all know who you are).


Hey Aron,

If you're looking for some new faces to help out with moderation of a few forum sections, just ask.  I for one would be interested and I'm logged on frequently enough to help out.

Happy Holidays Everyone,



For a noob like me, every day is Christmas here. Thanks to all who share their knowledge.


I love you guuuuuys
Long live the DIY world (because DIY is my life)
Check out my guitar build at

I might not always be right, but I'm never wrong....


thanks for everything too!
and good holidays to the ones who have it  :D


I think aron deserves the biggest thank of all for providing this site to produce its fountain of knowledge.:)

And happy holidays to everyone who ever helped me with a problem here and EVERYONE on this site. :)

Completed builds: BSIAB2
Pedals to build: Dr.Boogey, TS-808


Thanks for the great place to hang out and learn!

This site and electro-music are my two favorite places on the web.


Really Thank you Aron for making this possible.
I think this forum is one fine example of how the net can help make the world a better place.
It amazes me how we are all brought together from all over the globe by the common intrests of music,learning, and sharing.
This site is one of my most favorite,you have done a tremendous service to keeping the music alive.
Happy Holidays to everyone who comes here  :icon_exclaim:
I'm no EE or even a tech,just a monkey with a soldering iron that can read,and follow instructions. ;D
My now defunct band


I love this forum, and while I may not always say a lot, I'm usually lurking around quite often.

special thanks to R.G. , Aron, mark hammer, and all the other regulars who give me a little of their wisdom every time I ask a question.

this is truly one of the only civilized forums I've ever found on the internet, and its something we should all be proud of.

happy holidays ! may your germaniums clip smoothly !


Umm.. I might not not say much !, but if I had to say anything, it would be THANK YOU ALL!!!
Merry Christmas and best wishes to You and Yours !


Creating a nurturing place on the net is no mean feat in these times.
Sometimes after a long day I end up posting some nonsense, but I know I'm going to be gently corrected not flamed, and consequently I'm going to learn something from it. I don't know how you did it but thanks for making that possible.


There have been a lot of nice comments so far.. I agree with all of them. This is a great place to learn, this is the first site I check out daily. Thank you Aron for all of the time and effort you put into this place. A special thanks to all of the wonderful folks here that love to help and share their knowledge.



I agree with all the comments as well.  Here's to all who share their knowledge and experience, old-timers and noobs alike.  This is a wonderful place! Thanks, especially, to Aron; here's to 10 more years...

And lest I forget, Happy Holidays and best wishes for the coming year to everyone here!
A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim


Quote from: Skruffyhound on December 25, 2009, 05:52:09 PM
I don't know how you did it but thanks for making that possible.
I agree with that. We're all equal in this forum and nobody feels mediocre for not knowing as much as some of you here. This forum is such a big information place where everybody can feel welcomed, you're all teaching all you know for free and waiting anything back. Thanks Aron! Thanks to all of you, teachers!