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Dynacomp Debug

Started by svstee, December 28, 2009, 11:46:14 PM

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Built a Dynacomp from this Vero layout

I'm having problems with it. I get a little sound with the volume all the way up, but it is hardly audible. Voltages:
1 4.62
2 4.62
3 4.52
4 0.00
5 4.52
6 5.16
7 4.62
8 9.23

1 8.96
2 9.08
3 9.08
4 0.00
5 0.62
6 2.58
7 9.23
8 0.00

c 9.23
b 9.08
e 8.47

c 6.77
b 2.58
e 2.40

c 8.48
b 0.01
e 0.00

c 0.00
b 0.52
e 8.46

c 0.00
b 8.48
e 7.47

Any idea what could be wrong? I checked the backside for bad trace cuts or solder bridges, nothing.


Looks like Q5c is off since on the layout it's connected directly to +9v; Q4c looks odd too.  I'll check my voltages later & post if I get a chance...
A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim



User error, I measured that voltage wrong. :icon_redface:

The collector on Q5 is 9.23.


I was going to ask - are 4 and 5 in backwards? The other three have collectors at around 9 and the emitters lower voltage, but those two are backwards to that. Could it be you have them oriented wrong?

I don't have much experience, and need a lot of help debugging projects of my own, so that's the best I can get is just observing.



Their orientation matches the layout. The layout is verified, so I don't think that's the problem.


I didn't notice before that the layout you used is for a modded dynacomp- mine's a standard (no TL072) so I'm not sure if my voltages will help...glad to post if you like, though.  BTW, on mine Q4c and Q5c are both close to +V...
A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim


OK, here they are- bear in mind that I used 2N3904s for the trannies, V+ is down to about 8V, no signal (used a dummy plug) and all voltages are with reference to sleeve lug of input jack...

IC (CA3080):
1: 1.8 mV
2: 3.94V
3: 3.94V
4: 0
5: .62V
6: 2.38V
7: 7.9V
8: 4.3 mV

e 1.6V
b 1.99V
c 7.9V

e 1.85V
b 2.37V
c 6.05V

e 0
b 0
c 7.74V

e 0
b 0
c 7.85V

e 7.3
b 7.8
c 7.9

Not sure if these are "correct" for the Dynacomp, but mine sounds pretty good.  Hope this helps!  :)
A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim


Wow, there are some major differences there! I honestly don't understand the circuit well enough to hazard a guess why. Can someone clue me in to what my problem could be?


Any thoughts? I'm drawing a blank here...  :icon_redface:


I'd definitely look at pin one of the 3080- should be no connection there and you've got +V- maybe a missed trace cut (e.g. the one under R9 in the layout)? Also the voltages on pins 2 & 3, related to those on Q1e- seems like there's a prob there.  I'd also take a look at the orientation of Q4, as yer voltages are close to mine, but E & C are switched.  Apart from those, I'm not sure- mine's a standard Dyna & is done on perf, so I can't say much more... good luck, though- hope you get it workin'!
A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim


Haha, stupid alert! I missed the trace cut under R9!  :icon_redface:
This has happened to me before, but I was sure I got all the ones on this build. I should know by now that my "sure" doesn't mean a thing!

One other question, the 2K trimpot (VR1). What does it do, and how do I set it?\

Thanks for the help and putting up with my ridiculous mistake!


No prob, man.  As for the trim, do a quick search on the forum for "dynacomp" and "trimpot" and you should turn up some threads discussing setting of the trim.  Happy 2010!
A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim