Name those diodes and diode substitutions

Started by MmmPedals, December 31, 2009, 06:13:01 PM

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Anyone recognize these diodes?
What would be a good substitution for them? What are the rules for subbing diodes?

John Lyons

I can't tell from the pics but they look like
shottky or zeners possibly.
If you knew what pedal they are in we could
give you some better advice.

Basic Audio Pedals


They are from a cbs-arbiter Doubler!  :icon_biggrin: Its a fuzz with an octave switch.

Cliff Schecht

I'm thinking Schottky for an octave circuit, if not germaniums.



Okay i am gonna give schottky a try.  Where should i start. What should i get and where should i get it.
I have the circuit more or less completed minus the diodes so i can try out couple types if necessary.   

alex frias

I have some Ge 1N34A and they look exactly like those ones you have at the pics.

On the other hand, anyway you could share the Arbiter Doubler schem with us?


Oh, sorry, I just checked and my 1N34S have only one black trace mark:

Pagan and happy!


Sorry the schematic is not mine. It was lent to me on condition not to post.

alex frias

Pagan and happy!

alex frias

Pagan and happy!