Sourcing a wah pedal style case

Started by sbm, January 07, 2010, 07:31:10 PM

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So while the Kay Fuzz looks to be a cool little circuit to employ, has anyone ever been able to source a wah pedal style case?  I've looked hiigh and low and aside from gutting a perfectly new volume or wah pedal, does anyone know to find just the case and pedal itself?


John Lyons

There are some in the For Sale forum right now.

Basic Audio Pedals


i hope you don't mean me. i'm not gonna be doing it, being a 3rd party is a huge hassle, but i did send some drawings to the user jesusfreak that posted in my thread. so maybe pm them

edit: i've gotten used crybabies for as low as 35 shipped from a non auction style sale. check out ebay for deals. or just get a used crybaby/vox and gut it

N.S.B.A. ~ Coming soon


Or you can buy a blank wah case from Smallbear for 47... You can paint it too! I'm saving up for that and some inductors.



Pedals Built- Morley ABC Box, Fultone A/B Box, DIY Stompboxes True Bypass box, GGG Drop in Wah, AMZ Mosfet Boost, ROG Flipster, ROG Tonemender, Tonepad Big Muff Pi.
On the bench:  Rebote 2.5,  Dr Boogie, TS808



Here's a good deal, if you can shop from Europe. I bought two. You get the case plus lots of usable parts. Mine actually sounded pretty good after some twiddling.



Does this link work better? Edit: No it doesn't, you'll just have to scroll.

Thanks cathexis, just what I've been looking for.
Edit: Now I have two on the way. Finally -  ;D, worth the price just to be able to save all those ebay hours.


Quote from: Skruffyhound on January 08, 2010, 06:44:16 PM

Does this link work better? Edit: No it doesn't, you'll just have to scroll.

Ah. Well, it's under "Surplus & Special Items" on the menu (you can switch to english)...


I have a Cry Baby available.  Check your PMs.


on ebay uk they're selling dapphon wah pedals for less than £10.
im guessing they're crap but you might get a cheap wah shell out of it.

anybody seen inside one of them to see if they're mod worthy?


Ah thanks very much guys.  A couple of you chimed in offline offering up dead wah pedals (bring out yer dead!).  I picked up one already - Rich_s thanks, I got somone else's.  Hang on to your's and get your project done!  You never know what tones will come out when are are!