Where I can find schematics for Boss BF-2B, respective Boss CE-2B?

Started by gigimarga, January 12, 2010, 01:35:05 PM

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I've just bought a bass guitar and I like how it sounds with a Boss BF-2.
So, I am very curious which are the differences between BF-2 and the bass verision, BF-2B (maybe it will sound better).
I have the same question for Boss CE-2, because I have built a clone from Tonepad and I made the mods for bass, but I don't know if the 2 mods indicated are the only differences between the 2 models.

Thx a lot all!

Rob Strand

I believe it's discussed many times in the archives.
I'm sure the precise circuit values are given there.


CE2 vs CE2B      differences: one cap,  added delay level control
                        higher post delay HPF cut-off freq on Delay path

BF2 vs BF2B       differences: a couple of caps and delay chip has half the stages
                        higher pre-delay HPF cut-off freq on delay path
                        higher HPF cut-off freq on Feedback

There's a few other trivial non-functional changes.

Send:     . .- .-. - .... / - --- / --. --- .-. -
According to the water analogy of electricity, transistor leakage is caused by holes.


Thx a lot Rob!
I've searched the forum and I didn't found the schematics of bass versions. But you're right, I found only some indications about the mods.
As I don't have very much knowledges in electronics and MN3007 are expensive I prefer to have indicastions using a schematic.

By the way, I never liked very much my CE-2 clone (http://www.tonepad.com/getFile.asp?id=101) because it had a too subtle effect (and I tested an original MIJ and I didn't liked too for the same reason). The pair R21/R22 of 47K/47K seems to me to make the mix of dry and wet signals. Can I damage something if I replaced R22 (from the wet signal) with a 47K pot ? I put a 250K in series with R22, but I like it only when it's maximized.

And the last question: how can I increase the maximum available speed?

Rob Strand

Here's the link to the CE2B schematic,

As you can see it varies R22 from the CE2. (So obviously no problem varying that.)
You will also see C14 is 12n instead of 33n, that cuts the bass on the delay path.

The mods at end of Francisco's PDF essentially give CE2 and CE2B functions, for example the
switching of C14.

To increase the LFO speed you can either decrease R32 or decrease C19,
easier to go with R19.  That increases the both the minimum and maximum speeds.
If you want to make the minimum speed back to what it was you will
need to decrease R31, roughly by the same factor you decreased R32 or C19.

Send:     . .- .-. - .... / - --- / --. --- .-. -
According to the water analogy of electricity, transistor leakage is caused by holes.


Quote from: Rob Strand on January 13, 2010, 06:24:04 AM
Here's the link to the CE2B schematic,

As you can see it varies R22 from the CE2. (So obviously no problem varying that.)
You will also see C14 is 12n instead of 33n, that cuts the bass on the delay path.

The mods at end of Francisco's PDF essentially give CE2 and CE2B functions, for example the
switching of C14.

To increase the LFO speed you can either decrease R32 or decrease C19,
easier to go with R19.  That increases the both the minimum and maximum speeds.
If you want to make the minimum speed back to what it was you will
need to decrease R31, roughly by the same factor you decreased R32 or C19.

Thx a lot man! You're wonderful!