I hate my Crybaby GCB-95, what can I replace it with?

Started by T1bbles, January 14, 2010, 05:24:37 PM

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Behringer don't do signatures, but if they did, they'd probably stop working mid sen


OMG  :o !!!! thats so cool. Please post the schematic.


Im afraid I can't, for two reasons;

1. It's not my design, so I'm not allowed to, and
2. I don't have a schematic, I built it straight from a PCB transfer and layout

However I can PM you links to said resources, just gimme a shout and I will :)
Behringer don't do signatures, but if they did, they'd probably stop working mid sen

Paul Marossy

Quote from: T1bbles on February 15, 2010, 06:41:43 AM
Im afraid I can't, for two reasons;

1. It's not my design, so I'm not allowed to, and
2. I don't have a schematic, I built it straight from a PCB transfer and layout

However I can PM you links to said resources, just gimme a shout and I will :)

So is it a Z Vex "Wah Probe" clone?


hi paul! if i recall correctly, vex has said in the past that his wah probe had relationship to a coloursound inductorless wah design. don't quote me, but i seem to remember that. now that his designs are open, maybe we can learn more about that.

T1bbles, i did extensive testing with different wah designs in front of the fuzzfact circ. ( i agree with other posters here who said they do not like the wah after fuzz). i found that the inductorless (usually twinT type) sounded better with the f fact than any of the inductor type wahs i own.

see my post about my modded fuzzfactory in a wah casing here: http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=82385.0

for this experiment, the wah i liked the best was a basic Twin T found at the geofex site on the 'techonology of the wah' article.

interesting, if zach uses a twin T for his wah probe, was it a happy accident that the fuzz fact and wah go together well, or did he come to the same conclusion i did? i have a feeling he chose the twinT  for convenience, since his probe device lent itself easily to the way a twinT controls the sweep.
my life is a tribute to the the great men and women who held this country together when the world was in trouble. my debt cannot be repaid, but i will do my best.


also, just for reference, the wah probe sounds like other twinT s i have heard.
my life is a tribute to the the great men and women who held this country together when the world was in trouble. my debt cannot be repaid, but i will do my best.

Paul Marossy

Hey Joe, how the heck are you?! It's been a long time since we've crossed paths.

Interesting info about the Twin-T circuitry, might well be true, but I don't know for sure.


Do all these recommendations, especially the option of putting in a buffer at the output of the GCB-95, still hold true if you have NOT made the true bypass mod to the wah?
I have a GCB-95 rev.H that suffers from crappy sound going into my fuzzes (I've tried it with a Russian Muff, Superfuzz clone and Great Cheddar). The only mods I have made to it are a yellow Fasel, R9 changed from 470r to 270r to increase gain, R5 from 33k to 68k for 'vocal' increase and the sweep capacitor from 0.01uF to a 0.022uF.
If I have not bypassed the buffer in the Crybaby, which components affect it's load and can they be adjusted, without having to put in a Foxrox buffer for example?